part 19

367 13 2

sevyns pov

"von pull off hurry up" i yelled to him

i don't know wtf came over me but i couldn't just let the cop arrest us. i doubt we'd ever see eachother again if that was the case and i can't deal with that

"you cool baby?" he asked holding my hand

i was shaking my heart was pumping fast. i was honestly scared

"yes i'm okay von" i told him as i squeezed his hand tightly

as he drove down a skinny road a police car drove past us quickly with its sirens running

"fuck get down baby" he whispered to me as i did as he told me.

the car drove right past us but i was so worked up i felt like everything was over in that very moment

" listen sevyn we can't stay in this car we gotta switch" he said to me pulling into a neighborhood

at this point we were in michigan and the only thing we knew was we needed to get to toronto. even when we did get to toronto it wasn't like we could stay for long. it was just where we were going until we had a definite plan

"well von how're we going to do that?" i questioned

"i'm bout to hot wire one of these mf cars" he told me as he laughed

"von are you fucking kidding me?" i laughed "nigga this ain't no fucking movie"

"sevyn it's late ashit and we can't ride around in the same car we killed a cop with , you was damn near bout to shit yourself when that cop just drove by they wasn't even looking for us" he told me as he laughed

"nigga you was scared to but ok von go head hurry up" i said as he hopped out the car

i won't lie i'm honestly nervous i know von will make sure im safe and all but im scared this shit won't work. what will i do if something happens to him?

von came back snapping me out of my thoughts

"come on baby i got this car working" he said excitedly

this mf crazy

"so where to now?" i asked him throwing the bags into the car

"we need to get some sleep and find somewhere to eat at" he responded

"how bout we just go to the nearest hotel and get some room service ?? i'm not sure if we can pay cash but it's our only option" i suggested

honestly i was so tired from being on the road so long and the anxiety i was getting from shooting the cop didn't make it any better. being with von made it better tho. we need eachother so at the end of the day it's so worth it

von pulled into a sonesta hotel and dug through his bag pulling out $2,000

"well von wtf you need all that money for?" i questioned a night at the hotel was only about $80

"hush lil ma just trust me" he replied he changed his hoodie, put on a hat to disguise his dreads and a covid mask

vons pov
i walked towards the front counter planning my story in my head. i didn't know wtf i was gonna say but it needed to be quick

"good evening i can take who's next" the front desk lady said letting me know it was my turn to try and check in

"wassup how you? i had a little problem" i said

"i need a room but i don't have any debit card or id, you see i have my sister with me she really needs a room and we can't use her card because her abusive ex boyfriend may check her bank statements and find out that we're here" i lied

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