Part 23

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y'all i had to come update i reread the story and realized it's too good to not keep writing !! sorry!!

Sevyns pov
My eyes opened as the sun beamed into the car, von decided that it was too risky to look for a hotel so instead he continued to drive while I rested up. The plan was to forget about Toronto and make our way to mexico as soon as possible. Durk told us that he'd help us with an escape plan and that he'd know exact details by tonight so honestly we really were just laying low. Then something made me think about what Von said last night. Could I possibly be pregnant? Or was he just messing with me ? Then my mind went to a spring wedding and I smiled he rubbed me on my thigh snapping me out of my thoughts immediately.

"Hey baby" von said smiling

"Hey ugly" I said kissing his cheek "you didn't sleep all night?" "what time is it ?" I asked him.

"it's about 10 am" he stated and I immediately felt so bad

"Babe come on switch you need some sleep" I said forcing him to pull the car over

"nah fuck that gang we need to get to another pay phone so I can see wassup with this nigga durk" he stated. "i need to get you tf up out of here" he said pulling into a parking lot" he found a phone and put his mask on and his hoodie up as he got out to make his call." As soon as he got out i felt a huge pit in my stomach I opened up the car door and vomit everywhere..

"God please" I thought to myself not now, please

Vons pov
I sat at the pay phone waiting on this nigga durk to answer. shit I know he said call him tonight but a nigga starting to get anxious, I can't let sev know that shit know.

"Yooo bro this you?" durk asking sounding high asf

"duh nigga who else?" I said laughing "you got the information?" I asked

"Yeah nigga we gon meet in ohio at the airport today at 5:00" nigga ohio? i thought to myself

"Yes nigga ohio!" durk said I guess he already knew what I was thinking.

"bro when tf was you gon tell me that shit" i yelled

"how tf was I supposed to tell you nigga" durk said in a duh tone.

"ard nigga we gon be there" i said "wait how tf we getting in?" I asked

"I got this trust me!" he said "just be there"

sevyn walked up to me as I finished on the phone

"don't hang up" sevyn said "ask him to put india on

I did as I was asked and went to the car as she talked to indi.

Sevyn pov
"is everything okay?" india asked in a panicked tone

"uhm yeah" I said twirling the cord of the pay phone "i just need you to bring me one thing" I said

"anything, what is it?" india asked

"a pregnancy test" i said and after there was an extremely long pause..

"bitch no tf you didn't go and get fucking pregnant while you're on the run"

"not only did i get pregnant, i got engaged too" i said smiling thinking about it

"oh lord y'all or something else" she said , i could hear the smile in her voice

"we gon plan the wedding as soon as we get you out of this damn situation

"i love you bitch i'll see you in 7 hours!" she stated

"okay i love you more" i said hanging up

it felt so good hearing her voice but it was time to go i could tell by the way von was looking at me

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