part 1

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After returning from the neilbolt house all the losers went home. Bill went back and became a better writer, ben and beverly bought a boat home and got a dog, mike finally left derry and tried life out in other places, and richie. He just went back to his comdian shows, except he hasnt gotten alot. He has been aking little podcasts and he still gets paid for those, but he dosent really do anything on stage anymore. He lays in bed all day thinking and re watching eddies death in his head and picks up the phone when it rings, which rarley happens. He dosent eat alot, he hasnt showered in two weeks except for running his head under the faucet in the sink, and he hasnt really uploaded on his podcast. He gets paid every viewer and thats the most he makes. He got depression medication but it dosent help. There is one specific night that gets to his.

I walked out of my bedroom and picks up the mail in my floor, from stan. I rip it open and read the letter, his note. I read the part where it says "Never ever let them go" mind goes straight to eddie. I keep reading, "you dont have anything to loose", Ive lost the one thing I did have to loose, the one thing I cared about the most in this world, the one thing I had close to a parent, a lover. "We're losers, and we always will be" I read lastly and I sit there, staring at this...letter. Stans note meant so much, he put so much in it, and he asked us to take care of eachother. I failed at keeping eddie safe, i failed at keeping him alive and to have a happy life free of demon clowns. He died hugging my jacket, watching....hearing us fight and kill for him and derry, but he couldnt last threw it.

I set then letter down and grabbed abunch of pills from my cabinet and then a bottle of vodka. I walked to my room and opened one by one, swalling each pile with a handful of vodka, slowly and slowly getting dizy, drowzy, tired. I was on one of the last piles when my hand fell. I took a tiny sip of the bottle then set it down and closed my eyes, letting the darkness consume me.

we meet again (reddie)Where stories live. Discover now