part 2

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I woke up, full of energy. I sat up but when i looked down, i was still laying. I got out of bed and starred at my body, laying there limp. I tried to touch it but my hand went threw it. I stood there, starring at me, and sobbed. Why am i not asleep, why am i here. I kept crying, my glasses fogging, my face hurting. "Richie! Youre finally here" i turn around. "Eddie" i whisper, confused. Not just because im seeing him, but it was his younger self. "Hey rich, it me eddie. I may be young but im no different" he said smiling and then he looked behind me, "Oh, yeah". "It gets pretty confusing at first but ill help. Stans up here somewhere. We are in a house, full of where all the losers will go and the town outside of this house is just like derry. In this house, we have the place we appear, then once we leave and shut the door, when we open it again its out own room. It is designed to look like your dream room" he told me smiling the whole time. I had stopped crying and i looked behind me. "So thats, me" i assured myself and he nodded, "Yes". "then why am i young" i asked and he smiled, "its the age you had the most fun, when evrything started and you felt like life couldnt get any more enjoyable" he said and i nodded, yeah i did anjoy being a teen.

I walked over and hugged him, "so i get to spend eternity with you" i asked and he nodded, "yes, and i get to spend it with you and eventually beverly and ben and mike and bill will show up". I smiled and hugged him, i held him for awhile but he didnt move, i could tell he didnt mind. I lifted my head up and let go but kept my hands on his shoulders. I stared into his eyes then said, "Eddie i have something to tell you". He smiled and looked from one eye to the other, "what is it". I tried to talk but nothing came out so i resorted to the last thing i had. I kissed him. It was just like an akward first kiss, no idea how to do it. I mean we are in the body of our younger self so we dont have all the experience. I pulled away after a few seconds and he stared at my lips then looked at my eyes, "Same richie". I hugged him again and let my head rest on his shoulder while i cried and he comforted me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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