forty three

49 2 0

Sera kept a steady breathing pattern as she followed her comrades through the dark. She held the reigns of her horse, keeping the light on the ground to see where she was going.

The expedition had started, and they were own their way to Shiganshina to reclaim Wall Maria. Going at night? A brilliant plan by Armin himself. The titans should be sleeping, so they shouldn't be bothered by them.

Sera walked alongside Casey, right behind Jean and Connie. They had been walking through the trees all night, and if Sera kept up with the time right then it should be almost time for the sun to come back up.

"Sorry you got stuck with my horse." Eren apologized to Mikasa, who was tasked with pulling along both of their horses so he wouldn't overwork himself. They needed him in order to pull this off.

Sera was fine. She was used to shifting, Eren wasn't.

Mikasa shook her head. "Don't worry about it. You should be saving your energy."

"She's right Eren. We need you at your best."

"Don't say his name dumbass!" Jean exclaimed softly. Just because the titans were asleep didn't mean Reiner and the others were. They could be anywhere, waiting for the chance to snatch Eren up.

They kept their hoods up, in hopes to trick their enemy into thinking Eren wasn't there. If Connie kept talking they'd give them up.

"Sorry. I forgot."

"Act as though we're surrounded by enemies." Jean reminded him. He glanced to the left, his eyes widening at the sleeping titan. "Titan on the left! Everyone halt! Light up the area!"

Sera stopped immediately. She pointed the light over at the titan. It wasn't moving, which meant it had to of been sleeping. She had to admit it was weird seeing the beasts in a calm matter instead of their usual trying to tear them all in half.

It was unnerving to know they had to get only feet away to even notice the damned thing.

"It's alright." Hange reassured everyone. "Pretty sure he's asleep. Doesn't look like this is one of the new types that can move around at night."

The thought was terrifying. Running into one of the newer titans meant they were screwed. She could barely see as it was and she probably wouldn't be able to get away fast enough in the dark.

Hange let out a relieved laugh. "Well isn't that a shame. Let him be."

Sera did as told and lowered her light, leaving the beast to rest in peace. It was a shame, considering the titans never thought twice about letting them rest before attacking.

They continued through the trees. Sera somehow managed to get in front of everyone, making her beside Hange. They walked in silence, keeping an eye out for anything that would help them place where they were. It couldn't have been too far now.

"This place... It's familiar." Mikasa spoke up. "I think we came here to gather firewood."

"I see the foot of the mountain!" Moblit called out, alerting them. "There are signs of a trail ahead."

They were close.

Sera could feel her hands beginning to shake as they got closer to their destination. She was nervous, and that was clear. But despite her nerves she kept walking alongside the Section Commander, her eyes never moving from in front of her.

As they came to the top of the mountain, daylight began to make it's appearance, and they were ordered to get on their horses. Sera mounted her horse, petting it softly on the back before whipping the reigns, making it take off after the Commander.

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