BoYfrIenD?? Pt1

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This is inspired by Fembakubaby

Specifically this book/chapter

Specifically this book/chapter

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3rd POV

It was like 4 ish pm and "the group" was sitting at the restaurant when a question came up.

"Hey, do you guys think miyas been acting ✨suspicious✨ latly?" Reki asked truning around

"Did you just say sparkle emojis???" Shadow said confused.

"Not the point, but really, do you??" The younger responded

"I mean he HAS been texting someone nonstop for a while.." Cherry added. Nodding in agreement.

"Plus hes not coming to Beefs much anymore~" the redhead whined.
"Im sure hes just fine, i mean he seems happier so why bother him about it?" Langa said shrugging.

"The kid makes a point, he'shappier so thats something," joe added.

They sat in silence for a while. Just pondering that thought.

"Ight ima text him right now." Reki concluded.
"I mean go ahead, he wont respond tho," joe shrugged.

"Meh might as well try." The younger responded.

In text


Read at 4:35 pm

Me:Miya answer meeee~
Read at 4:36 pm

Out of text

"Hes not respooonddinggg~" he complained.
"Langa why dint you try?"

Langa, in response takes out his phone and texts miya. The rest sat quietly waiting for an answer.

"He says hes busy with stuff for school,"langa states.

Reki flumped on the counter and looked at his bf. "can you ask if he can come tomorrow then?" He asked.

There was a sound of typing, and then a small smile appeared on langas face. "What?" Shadow prompted. "He knew it was reki asking" the blue headed boy responded. Giggling a bit.

Rekis face flushed, "HOWED HE KNOW IT WAS ME?!" He asked enthusiastically throwing up his hands.

Langas phone buzzed and he looked at it, "he says yes by the way," he said looking up again.

Time skiippppp~

3rd POV

The door rang to the restaurant, and all heads turned to Miya who was mindlessly walking twards the counter looking at his phone.

"Sooooooo~" Reki prompted, "who're you texting all the time huh?"

Miya responded with a scowl and returned to texting this mystery person. (tho we all know who it be) "nobody." He responded plainly, still not looking up.

A fwe secconds of silence followed till a noise was made. That noise, would be a stomach of a hungry child.

The group all swiveled their heads twards said child. miya flushed and looked away.

"You want some food kid?" Joe asked him."i can make you some."
"I guess so," miya mumbled in response.

Chaos ensued for a while until the food was ready. Miya and Reki argueing, Lnaga being gay, shadow just yelling, cherry trying to ignor it all, you know the usual.
When it was Miya sent one last text, and set his phone down, un-locked. (Poor choise mah child)

Reki took this moment to snatch the youngers phone and look through it. At once, Miya noticed and tryed to get his phone back by jumping up and down. But due to the unfortunate hight difference, he was un able. "GIMMI BACK MY PHONE YOU SLIME!!!" He shouted at him.

"Nu," reki responded making a sassy face down at him, and continueing his scrolling.
" OooOoooooOoo~ whos thiss??? TaKaShi" Reki prompted, clicking on the chat. "Is this that kid youve been talking to non-stop?"

"NO!" The shorted retorted with a huff.

"Well says here that you were just texting a minuet ago so ur a little lier." Reki responded booping Miyas nose.

"HEY!!" Miya yelled. Covering his nose in self defence.

At this point reki had found older texts from the day prier. And was full on laughing now, clutching his stomach.

"Whats so funny babe?" Langa questioned genuenly confused.
"Hah who knew our little cat boi wiuld find a lover" The redhead responded through laughter.

Reki turned the phone to show a text chain of hearts and ILY's back and forth. Still laughing

Cherry was now paying attention. "Miya? Is this true?" He questioned.

"W-well i mean..." the child was now red and fumbling on his words while fidgeting with his fingers, " i- i guess so..." he finnished quietly.

Now Shadow was wide eyed. "YOU. FOUND A LOVER???!!" Shadow retorted. "Wow never wouldve though anyone would deal with your cokyness."

"HEY!!!" Miya shouted. "Im not that bad..."

"Can we meet this kid?" Joe asked.
"Yes i would like to talk to them aswell." Cherry continued. "Alone."
"Cherry is not getting any alone time with this kid..." joe responded "but yes please let us meet him

"I- i mean i guess so-" miya spoke, less flustered but still decently red, "lemme text him and ask," He turned his phone on bcs auto lock sucks and went to text Takashi.

Reki was now leaning in on miya now," Oooo its a HIM now is it?"

Joe was the next to speak. "You thought M I Y A. Was straight?" He said laughing. Miya groaned. "Was it that obvious??-" he asked.

"Yes. Yes it was." Cherry said calmly," however, i thill need to know more about this boy before meeting him-"

"OH WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! HES COMING OVER RIGHT NOW!! Oops no time to talk about him then cherry? Sorry-" Miya interrupted.

Tbc hehe ;)

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