I want this to last forever

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Takashis POV(Ikr suppprising)

Man, I'm gonna be completely honest here, Miya is adorable. I know I was like an absolut JERK to him for like a few years, but like damn.

(time skip)

Im just walking minding my own buisness on my way home, when i see miya. 'Shit.' as i got closer i saw him talking to someone. 'Who is that???? He looks older?'

Miya turnes to me and for a few seconds it was just a mini staring contest...

Until his friend realized Miya stopped walking. So he turned around and looked at me. Then, Miya, then me again. He then made a VERY audible gasp, pointed to me and said. "Is THIS that boy you were talking about?!?!!!????"

MIya turned red And whacked the poor kid. "OW! Miya what the fuck?!" Miya glared at him and walked over to me instead.

"So now you wanna talk to me huh?" He said, ngl it was kinda hot. "Well, Ya know i uh..." I look behind me to see the teen he was talking to Watching us from where he was with, quit literally star emoji eyes... freaky.

"Can we uh talk, without your friend there?" I ask pointing to the redhead. Miya Looked at me in shock then turned to his friend. "Get lost loser." To that the other took offense "EH?! IM NOT A LOSER!!!!" "Fine..." "thank yo-" "your a slime UvU. Now leave."

This continued t=for a while until the redhead got a call. "OOP Langa calling, Byeeeee~" He said waving to us.

"Soooo, Taka. What brings you talking to me after all this time?" He said. Gatting closer to my face, "fuck hes hot,"

Miya backed up a bit, his face red. Did i do something? "You think im hot?" He questioned. "SHIT, I SAID THAT OUTLOUD!" I made the realization covering my mouth with my hands.

"Your not half bad either..." hold on... did i hear that right? What do i say? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! On instinct i cosed my eyes out of embarrassment. When i felt my hands being removed from my face.

I open my eyes to see Miya looking at me. Then he did what i could only dream. He kissed me.

Hold on... MIYA KISSED ME!!!!!!! AAaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAAAaaaAAAAaAaAAAAa....

'His lips are so soft omg.' 'wait do i have to kiss back?' But then The kiss broke.

I look to miya who was a bright red. "Im sorry, i shouldent have done that..." he murmured. Wait. he feels bad about it? Nononononono.

"Hey," i say trying to cheer him up. "Its ok, I liked it." He lookes at me with those gorgeous eyes of his. "You did?" he asks. I nod, "mhm."

He looks away for a bit. Then speaks up. "Can we do it agin?" "of corse" i say, cause i mean why the fuck wouldnt i want to? And i kiss him.

It only lasts a few seconds, but afterward Miya huggs me. "Im so happy. You have no fucking idea how long ive wanted to do that!" he says, though its muffled because his heads in my chest.

Should i ask him to be my boyfriend now? Is that how that works? I dont know! You know what just do it. Right now.

"Hey, Miya?" i start. He looks up at me, "Yea Taka?"

Ok here it goes. I take a deep breath, and ask him. "Doyouwannabemyboyfriend?" I close my eyes expecting nothing. But i feel a fough tug on my head and am pulled forward into a kiss. OMG i will never get used to this. However this time, Hes a bit rougher, But its sweet. I dont want this to end, ever.

"Of coarse." he says. And then pulls me into another kiss.

OMG there so cute!!!!😭😭❤️❤️

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