A Perfect Beginning

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  • Dedicated to all those Cheeky fans out there <3

Emily's POV

"But we're identical," Jack said as we pulled off the M25 towards the doctor surgery,

"Well done Jack," Finn chuckled,

"No," he rolled his eyes, "I mean we have the same DNA, Finn, how are we going to know whose the baby is?"

"Oh fuck," Finn said looking at me,

"I didn't think about that," I whispered,

"I'm sure they'll come up with something there," Finn said turning round and giving me a warm smile, Jack was driving whilst Finn sat in the passenger seat leaving me in the back,

"It's going to be so humiliating trying to explain what's going on,"

"I'm sure they've had worse babe, you don't have to do it alone you know," Finn said turning to look at me again,

"Finns right, we can come in?"Jack said looking at me through the rearview mirror,

"No it's fine, I'll tell you everything when I come out," I smiled slightly as we pulled into the surgery,

"Ok, well we'll come in," Finn said as we got out the car, Jack made his way to the desk to check me in as Finn pulled me back to face him,

"Hey," he whispered,

"Hi," I smiled as I felt everything inside me twist, he was beautiful,

"Em, whatever happens I'm going to stand by you though it, if the baby is Jack's we can all do this together. If your not pregnant then that's great but if you are and it's mine. Emily I will do everything in my power to keep our baby safe," he smiled,

I looked up at him before wrapping myself around him in a hug, "I love you Finn,"

"And I love you," he said kissing me softly on the lips, "So so much," he said before kissing me again,

"All done," Jack said breaking us up,

"Sorry," I apologised as I saw he looked uncomfortable,

"What for?" he asked, "Em I'm fine with it, it's not completely okay but I'm fine. I promise," he smiled before the three of us walked into the doctors.

Jack's POV

The truth was. It still hurt seeing them together. She meant so much to me but I could see how much she meant to Finn. We both felt no spark and I was over that but seeing her with Finn still left a mark.

"Em I'm fine with it, it's not completely okay but I'm fine. I promise," I was fine, I knew I could get over this and I didn't feel the same way I did when we first met anyway.

But if this baby was mine. I was going to give it all the love in the world. If it was Finn's I'd do exactly the same.

"We'll be right out here," I said to Emily as she walked through the doors with a doctor,

"Jesus, if she's pregnant Jack, one of us is going to be a dad," Finn said looking at me,

"Finny, I don't know if I'm ready. Don't get me wrong. If it's mine I'll love it forever but if I had to choose, I'd chose no kid," I sighed,

Finn looked at me for a moment before nodding, "I know what you mean,"

"I just don't feel like I'm ready for a kid," I said biting the inside of my mouth,

"Well if it is yours Jack, you have me,"

"I know," I smiled at Finn, I loved my brother, "Are you ready?" I asked looking up at him as I sunk down in the chair,

He sighed, "I think so, I love her so much man I always wanted a family with her and if it's happening quicker then planned I'm okay with that,"

"Let's hope it's yours then," I chuckled,

"I'd rather the test was negative for all our sakes but if it's not,"

"Yeah," I said knowing what he meant.

"And now we wait," Finn sighed and sunk down so we were slouched in out chairs waiting for the news.

Emily's POV

"The reason we called you in here Emily is for two reasons,"the Doctor said sitting down at her desk opposite me,

"Why couldn't you say it over the phone?" I questioned,

"Because we found something in your blood that we thought would be best to discuss in person," she smiled,

"What?" I asked sitting up straighter in my chair,

"It's nothing serious," she said as soon as she realised I was scared, immediately my heart beat slowed down and I exhaled,

"You have a low blood count,"

"What does that mean?"

"It means your anemic, this isn't a problem if dealt with properly. But you also have a low white blood count which means if you get any diseases during pregnancy then it could cause some serious problems,"

I stopped breathing and looked at her,

"So I am pregnant," I breathed,

"Yes. Yes you are. The test was positive. Congratulations" the doctor smiled, I just sat there as reality hit me. I was going to be a mum.

"But we should focus on the problem at hand first," she said interrupting my thoughts,

"Of course," I said, this baby was mine. I wasn't going to hurt it. "What do I do?"

"Well, due to the anemia we recommend daily iron supplements and everything will be okay. But because your pregnant we need to be careful with how we treat your white blood cell count,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well what we would usually recommend is harmful during pregnancy,"

"Oh," I gasped, "What do I do then?"

"Nothing crazy just a plasma transfusion,"

"Errr okay then," I said completely confused,

"It's simple don't worry, it's like an injection,"

"Like a blood transfusion,"

"Sort of, but the plasma is what the blood is made up of, so by giving you plasma it focuses on the
Lymphocytes in your body," she smiled,

"Ok," I said uneasy,

"It's very simple but due to the dose of plasma we are giving you will be high, it will make you feel sick,"

"But I'll be okay?"

"Yes Emily. You will be fine," she smiled,

"Are we doing it now?" I asked looking over at the tray in the corner of the room that suddenly became the elephant in the room,

"We can if you wish but we can also schedule another appointment,"

"Now is good," I said nodding, I wanted to get this over and done with, "But before we ask I have a question about my baby,"

"Of course Emily, your my last appointment of the day, we have all the time in the world."

I inhaled then spewed my story about Jack and Finn expecting her to judge me but when I finished she just laughed,

"I see," she smiled,

"I'm sorry," I sighed,

"For what? It's absolutely fine, so you'll be requiring DNA tests?"


"That's fine," she smiled, "You are five months into pregnancy so it is possible to get the DNA of the baby from the placenta around the baby,"

"Five months!" I gasped,

"I know, some people are lucky and don't show any signs until they're further along, or unlucky depends how you look at it,"

"I forgot to mention. The boys are twins,"

"That's fine," she smiled,

"Don't they have the same DNA since they're identical,"

"Yes they do. Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways."

"So it is possible to find out who the father is?"


"Good," I sighed and the doctor laughed,

"Shall we get this over and done with then?" she asked standing and walking towards the tray. My heart beat quickened and I felt sick already,

"I'm scared," I admitted, she stopped and looked at me,

"That's very normal Emily,"

"Can I go and get Jack and Finn?" I pleaded,

"Of course! Are they here?" she asked pulling on some gloves,

"Yes, they're outside,"

"Well by all means, go and get them. I'll get a bit of blood off them while they're in here for the tests," she said reaching down for more needles, I gulped and dashed out the room to get the boys.

Finn's POV

"Em!" I shouted as I saw the girl I loved emerge from the corridor, " You okay?" I asked as she got closer, she looked scared,

"I'm fine. I just need a plasma shot due to the lack of white blood cells in my blood and it will make me sick and I'm scared coz-,"

"Emily breathe!" I said pulling her closer to me, I knew she hated needles,

"I want you two in here with me," she whispered,

"Of course," Jack said rubbing her back as she hugged me,

"And also," she stopped and looked up at us, "I'm pregnant," she whispered,

"What?!" I almost shouted feeling a grin spread over my face,

"That's great Emily!" Jack said as the two of us embraced her, I looked at Jack and he looked at me. We were thinking the same thing. One of us was going to be a dad.

"The doctor wants to take your blood, she said something about
phenotypes and crap meaning we can find out who the dad is today if we want?" she asked,

I looked up at Jack and he nodded,

"Let's do it," we smiled and walked towards the office.

Emily's POV

"Ready?" the doctor asked as I sat back in the chair holding Finn's hand,

"Your fine," he smiled kissing my knuckles,

"We're right here hun," Jack said placing his hands on my shoulders,

"Now this might make you sick," the doctor said as she inserted the needle in my arm, I squeezed Finn's hand and closed my eyes,

"It's okay baby," he said rubbing my hand, I could feel Jack behind me but before I could allow the clam to sink in I felt sick,

"I'm going to throw up," I gasped,

Immediately Jack held a bucket in front of me as I upchucked,

"It's going to be okay Em," Finn said holding back my hair and kissing my neck,

"Emily this is normal, it will all pass in a few moments," the doctor smiled before picking up a fresh needle, "Right, who's first?" she smiled at Jack and Finn,

I looked up at them and couldn't help but laugh, they both hated these things and neither one of them wanted to go first,

"You'll be fine boys," I chuckled as I felt the nausea were off,

"I'll do it," Finn said rolling up his sleeve, "But your holding my hand," he said looking at me,

"Of course," I said as the doctor took the bucket from me.


It had been two days since the blood tests and the results were in,

"Do you want the results or the scan first?" the doctor asked smiling at the three of us,

"Results, that way we know who the baby we are looking at belongs too," Jack smiled at her, I sat in the middle of the two boys that meant more to me then anything in the world.

"Results it is then," she smiled pulling an envelope out of her desk and opening it,

I felt three heart beats all rise at the same time, I had my right hand in Jack's and my left in Finn's I squeezed them both tight as we waited for an answer.

Jack's POV

Please not mine


I wasn't ready.

Emily's POV

Just say it!

I could feel my heart beat in my throat,

"It's Finn's," she said with a warm smile. I felt Jack relax beside me but at the same time so did Finn.

"We're having a baby," he whispered, I looked at him and he looked right back at me,

"We are," I sighed,

"We're having a baby!" I shouted as a grin spread across his face and he jumped up, "Thank you," he said shaking the doctor's hand,

"We're having a baby," he said looking at Jack,

"Congratulations buddy!" Jack grinned and it wasn't fake. He was generally happy for him, Jack wrapped Finn in a brief hug before Finn turned to me,

"Come here," he laughed picking me up and spinning me round, I laughed as he set me down,

"This baby is ours" he whispered before pressing a strong kiss on my lips. I smiled as he pulled back,

"All ours," I grinned. Thank you I thought to god or anyone listening. I love Jack but I knew this baby would be better if it was Finn's. Besides, Jack wasn't that good at acting. I knew he didn't want a baby just yet.

"Ready to see it?" the doctor asked,

"Yes!" we all said together.


"There we go," the doctor said as an image appeared on the screen in front of us, "Everything is looking good, but there we go. There's your baby," she smiled at us,

"There it is," Finn whispered as he sat beside me,

"It's so tiny," Jack said patting Finn on the shoulder,

"It's a girl," the doctor smiled as she moved the device over my stomach, I looked at Finn and he looked back at me,

"She's beautiful," I smiled,

"Just like her mum," Finn smiled as a tear escaped his eyes,

"Are you crying?" I chuckled as a tear escaped my eye,

"You are," he laughed wiping a tear away, "I love you," he said before kissing me softly on the lips.

Jack and Finn both squeezed me tight. I was having a baby with the boy a loved and Jack was going to be there throughout all of it.

"My boys," I chuckled, as they pulled back and looked at me,

"Always," Jack grinned.

Every perfect ending starts a new perfect beginning and I could tell that this one was going to be amazing. I was going to do it right.


So I hope that was okay! God I hope it wasn't a disappointment or anything.

It took me ages and I'm SO SO happy all of you liked it and read it!

I love you all so so much :)

I used a name shuffle thing because I had come up with two endings. But the shuffle thing chose Finn so that's the ending you got :)

Please tell me what you thought! Your comments are always so amazing and I love them :)

As for the next fanfic. I will be starting it soon but I don't know when so keep an eye out! Become a fan if you want to know when it's up!

But the fanfic will be with CASPAR LEE

This isn't my decision it's what you guys asked for and it won the vote type thing :P

If your not happy I'm sorry but if I had to choose I would have chosen Bertie because he's yummy :P

I hope you still read it even if you didn't want Caspar. Who knows, I might do a Marcus, Alfie or Bertie one after Caspar.

Thank you so much for reading my fanfic. I love you.

And until next time :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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