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Emily's POV

"We never did the dishes," I said with a mouthful of cereal,

"Meh don't worry, we can do them some other time," Jack smiled as he looked around the kitchen,

"What?" I asked after I sipped my juice,

"There isn't any clean spoons,"

"My point exactly," I laughed,

"Well I can't wash up now I have to go out,"

"Oh really? Now?"

"Yeah sorry, Marcus needs me in a video,"

"Marcus?! That's in Brighton," I said looking at Jack as he sat down,

"I know babe I'm sorry but I'll be back tomorrow,"

"Your staying there?"


"Oh ok,"

"What?" Jack said pouring himself some juice,

"I just thought it was movie night," I sighed,

Jack chuckled, "watch something with Finn,"

I froze, I hadn't spoken to Finn since yesterday morning when we almost kissed and he had made sure he wasn't around to talk,

"I'm sure he's got nothing to do,"

"Ok," I said looking down at my hands,

"Look I'm sorry baby" he said leaning over the table and placing his finger under my chin and moving my head up so I met his eyes,

"It's fine," I smiled, it really was fine. I didn't mind Jack going out, I just didn't want to be alone with Finn, "I might pop home and get some things,"

"And leave Finn? You know he had abandonment issues,"

I laughed as Jack moved back into his chair,

"Can I use this?" Jack said holding up the spoon I had just used to eat my cereal,

"I just used that,"

"I know,"he smiled scooping some cereal and putting it in his mouth,

"Right," I frowned then laughed as he winked at me.


"I shall see you tomorrow," Jack said as he pulled on his jackets and walked towards the door,

"I'll miss you," I said walking after him,

"I'll miss you more," he whispered before kissing me softly on the lips, I smiled as his lips left mine,

"Bye," I smiled,

"Bye baby," he winked before walking out the door, I felt my stomach turn as I realised I was going to miss Jack more than I planed. We had spent almost everyday together and having him gone for 24 hours upset me.

Oh shit. I'm in love with him

Well that sorted it all out. I was in love with Jack Harries.

Jack's POV

I turned back towards the house and waved at Emily.

Jesus, why is leaving her so hard?

I climbed in the car and pulled out the space.

As I drove through the streets of London towards Brighton the radio played Amazed by Lonestar,

"I don't know how you do what you do!" I belted out in the car as I turned the wheel, "I'M SO IN LOVE WITH-" I stopped singing and frowned,

"Oh shit Jack," I said to myself, "I do believe your in love with Emily,"I grinned as I changed the gear and sped up the motorway and belted out the next few lines,




It had been three hours since Jack left and I had decided to busy myself with tidying the house, I walked into the kitchen and looked at the sink,

"Eh," I groaned as I moved the plates out the sink and filled it up with hot water and soap,

"I think you've over done it on the soap," a voice said behind me causing me to jump out of my skin,

"Jesus Christ!" I laughed as I realised it was Finn, "I thought you were out," I said turning my attention back to the two day pasta on the plate,

"I was." Finn said as we walked towards me, I could feel him getting closer but I pushed the thought out of my mind,"But I got back an hour ago,"

"I didn't hear you,"

"No," he chuckled to himself, "You were hoovering the living room, with music in your ears,"

"Oh shit," I gasped as I remembered I spent the time in the living room dancing like an idiot,

"It was funny," Finn smiled,

"Shut up," I laughed,

"I particularly liked this one," he said before holding one hand out and shaking his hips,

"Why did you watch," I said after I finished laughing,

"It was entertaining," he smiled, "It's not your living room to clean anyway,"

"I know, I just miss Jack I guess," I sighed,

Finn sighed as well but his sigh seemed one with a hint of jealousy...

"Let me help," Finn said changing the subject,

"Oh no you don't have to! Don't you have work to do? Some project to make?" I asked brushing him off, I wanted help but Finn wasn't who I wanted around right now.

"Come on Em,"

"Em?" I stopped and looked at him,

"Yeah?" Finn frowned,

"Jack doesn't call me Em, well not often,"

"Why not?"

"It's what my dad used to call me, he died last year,"

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry Emily," Finn said looking me in the eyes,

"No it's fine," I smiled at him, "It was nice" I looked him in the eyes and for that moment I felt it. I felt what I felt with Jack the fist time we kissed,

You like him

Oh shit I did, I liked Finn.

"You gunna help then?" I asked as I stepped back from Finns lips. Finn's perfect lips, he cleared his throat and looked at the pile of dishes,

"Errr yeah," he laughed,

"Oh shit," I said looking back at the sink, the two of us had been so lost in eachother that we didn't notice the water and bubble level,

"Turn it off!" Finn screamed as the water began to seep over the edge of the sink,

"It won't turn off!" I shouted back at him as I manically turned at the handles,

"Let me try," Finn said pushing me aside and for that moment I hated him, he didn't tell me what to do,

"No, I've got it," I said pushing back and the two of us pulled at the handle and it spun off and hit Finn in the head,

"AHHH FUCK!" he screamed backing off and clutching his head,

"Are you okay?" I said turning to face him,

"Em!" he shouted as we both turned to look at the sink, we had pulled the handle off the tap and water was not flowing out the pipes,

"Oh shit," I said throwing myself at the faucet and placing my hands over the water,

"Is it stopping?" Finn said coming up behind me,

"No it's not!" I shouted, "Finn your head!" I said looking at him, the tap had hit up above his left eyebrow and it was bleeding,

"Push harder!" he shouted completely ignoring me,

"The pressure is mental it won't turn off!" I screamed,

"Your flooding the kitchen!" he shouted at me,

"I'M FLOODING THE KITCHEN!" I shouted taking my hands off the faucet causing the water to flow harder,

He did not just say that

"DON'T TAKE YOUR HAND OFF THE WATER!" he shouted pushing down on the water himself,

"Don't blame me for this!" I screamed back, the sound of the water in the kitchen was loud so we were both shouting over it, the water had flooded the kitchen and the floor was full of bubbles and dishwater, both of us were soaked through to our skin and the water caused us to slip everywhere,

"Well it's your fault!" Finn said looking at the water,

"HOW IS IT MY FAULT!" I screamed at him stopping in my place and looking at Finn, the water made my sleeves longer than my arms and I was waving them all over the place,

"You left the water running!"



"WELL YOU HAVEN'T FOR THE PAST 24 HOURS! WHY NOW?" I opened my arms out and moved them around, what the fuck was I doing?

"No one is holding the tap!" Finn shouted,

"NO!" I screamed and pulled him back to face me,

"WHAT!" he shouted as the water flew in the air and drenched us along with the kitchen,

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" I screamed before wiping the water away from my face, nothing worked we just continued to get wet,


"FINN!" I screamed, he looked from the sink then to me, for that moment all that could be heard was the water flooding the room. Suddenly Finn moved from where he was and with one step he had me pressed against the fridge, both hands holding my face as he kissed me. I don't know why I didin't stop it. Finn's lips were different to Jack's, softer. But that could have been the water.

I pulled back and searched Finn's eyes for a reason but he just looked at me,

"We need to stop the water," I said ducking away from him,


"I've pulled the plug! Just turn off the water!"

"We've tried that," Finn said turning back into focus mode,

"No I mean from the mains!" I shouted as the water sprayed out from under my hands, I looked away from the water and at Finn, "GO!" I shouted and he left the room, after a few minutes the water began to die down,

"I turned it off," he said running back towards me and slipping on the water, Finn stumbled and pulled me down with him,

"Shit!" I screamed as the two of us slid across the floor among the bubbles, as we came to a stop the two of lay there on the wet floor side by side as the room fell silent. All that could be heard was our breathing as I sat up and moved so my back was against the wall.

"Well then," Finn breathed breaking the silence, I rolled my head to face him as we sat there catching our breath.

Our eyes met and suddenly we were in fits of laughter, we had literally flooded the kitchen and now the two of us sat on the floor soaked.

"We have to tidy this up," I said as the two of us came to a stop,

"Yeah, I'll call a guy to fix this," Finn nodded, I looked at him as we fell silent again,

You can't kiss him again, he's your boyfriend's brother!

My subconscious screamed at me but the other part of my body was telling me to jump on him. He was gorgeous, his lips were soft and he was different to Jack, he was kinder and didn't leave me on movie night.

What the fuck are you thinking?! You love Jack!

"Em?" Finn said waving his hand in front of my face as I snapped out of thought,

"Yeah," I said looking at him,

"I said you should change out of your clothes or you'll get cold,"

"You could help me," I muttered,


"What?" Finn said raising his eyebrows,

Shit did he hear me,

"I didn't hear you," he smiled,

"Oh I said yeah I will," I smiled before getting up and turning to walk out,

"Emily," Finn said stopping me,


"Never mind," he smiled before turning back to face the wet floor.

Why did he kiss me? He likes me doesn't he? Oh for fucks sake I like him to

No you don't

Oh come on Em he's Jack but better

Don't say that YOU LOVE JACK

Yeah but you like Finn

All these thoughts ran through my mind as I made my way up the stairs, then I stopped,

"Why did he kiss me?" I whispered to myself before turning back and running down the stairs,

"Finn!" I said walking into the kitchen again to find he'd taken off his shirt.

Finn clearly uses the gym more than Jack.

I swallowed as I tried not to look at his body,

"Yes?" he grinned,

He's doing this on purpose!

"Why did you kiss me?" I demanded,


"WHY!" I shouted,

"Because I like you." Finn sighed, "I like you a lot and I know nothing can happen. Your my brother's girl" he winced as if the thought physically hurt him. Without a second thought I ran towards Finn and kissed him.

What are you doing?

I could feel my subconscious screaming at me but I pushed the thought out of my mind. Some how this felt right.

Finn's POV

She had her lips pressed to mine, I liked this girl. More than anything. I gave in and pulled her closer to me and pushed the thought of Jack far out of my mine. She was mine for this moment and I was going to cherish it. My hands moved from her back down to her legs as I picked her up and she wrapped them around me. I stumbled towards the walls as we slammed into it still joined at the mouth kissing passionately.

Emily's POV

I was right, Finn not only had the better body but he was by far the better kisser,


I needed to stop this but I couldn't. Just as I was about to pull back Finn slammed me against the wall. I let out a groan as he moved his lips from mine along my jaw and down my neck. He pulled back and ripped off my shirt.

It looked shit on me anyway

I pulled Finn closer to me as I felt him against my hip, he moaned as I moved my hands down his back. Suddenly he pulled me from the wall and towards the stairs.

"You sure?" he whispered between kisses,

"Yes," I replied. I wasn't but I was too lost to even think twice.

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