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3rd POV

Zabuza and Y/N were both swinging there blades against one another's blades making loud clangs before zabuza sliced Y/N's chest but it just healed.

Zabuza: you've gotten sloppy.

Y/N: when your immortal like me and know you won't die you tend to let yourself get hit often zabuza.

Y/N and zabuza continue to fight while everyone else watches.

Naruto: WOAH!!!! THERE SO FAST!!!

Kakashi: He isn't even fighting seriously.

Naruto: eh?

Kakashi lifted his headband revealing the sharingan as he watched Y/N and zabuza fight.

Sasuke: that eye-

Kakashi: it's as I thought. Y/N isn't taking this seriously. The way he's moving his a bit lazy and his attacks aren't doing much nor is he trying to attack.

Naruto Sasuke and Sakura all watched as they saw how Y/N was fighting. Although he and zabuza seemed evenly matched Y/N didn't seem to into the fight.

Kakashi: he should end this fight soon.

Naruto watched in awe while Sasuke just stared. Y/N dodged a slice from zabuzas blade and then suddenly flys pst him. He slowly puts his blade into its sheath and as soon as he does blood shoots out of zabuza. Zabuza drops to one knee as Y/N turns to him still with his back turned.

Y/N: that was fun. But I think I'm done playing.

Y/N jumped down from the tree and he sighed.

Y/N: so!!! How was I-

Suddenly Y/N was kicked right into the water. He shot up and zabuza was standing there.

Y/N: eh?

Y/N looked to the zabuza on the tree and it turned to water.

Y/N: water clone......

Zabuza: you didn't really think I was going down that easy did you?

Y/N: heh. Not really. But at least now I get to fight the real deal........

Zabuza and Y/N fired at one another and as Y/N threw a punch Zabuza dodged and quickly did multiple hand signs.


Water surrounded Y/N and he was now trapped in a giant water bubble.


Kakashi: that's what you get for letting your guard down sensei.

Y/N just grumbles.

Naruto: we got to help him!!!

Kakashi: Naruto Sasuke Sakura. You three stay with tazuna. I'll go free Y/N.

Zabuza: I don't think so.

He did a hand sign and two water clones appeared.

Kakashi: tch.

Zabuza: come and face me. Kakashi the copy ninja.

Kakashi ran towards zabuza as both clones shot at him before one of them suddenly jumped over Kakashi while the other attacked him.

Kakashi mentally: he went past me?

He saw how the water clone was heading straight for tazuna and Naruto and Sasuke ran towards the clone.

Kakashi: WAIT DONT-

The clone swing it's blade and both Sasuke and Narutos eyes widened


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