Chapter 2: Canterbury Tales

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Draco woke up as the sunlight streamed through the pale blue curtains and landed softly on his eyelids. Opening his eyes carefully, he squinted and looked around the room cautiously. It was quite large and airy, decorated in pale blues and yellows. A desk stood opposite the bed, and had a pile of what Draco assumed was Muggle writing equipment on it, and a strange contraption with a rectangular shiny surface, and a flat panel covered in lettered buttons. The boy wasn't quite sure what it did, but Heather had called it a 'laptop', whatever that was. Sitting up, Draco eyed the wardrobe and hoped he could find something in it to wear. He didn't feel like wearing yesterday's clothes. Thoughts of his clothes left the young Slytherin contemplating everything that had happened the day before...


" Draco Malfoy, pleased to make your acquaintance."

The woman smiled slightly and took the hand, shaking it slightly. There's hope for the young Malfoy heir yet, she thought.

" Heather Evans, at your service."

Draco stared at the woman in astonishment, shaking his head slightly in denial.

" You can't be!"

" You've heard of me, then?" Heather responded with a smirk. Draco nodded his head slowly.

" You can't be Heather Evans. Heather Evans is dead!"

" Are you sure?"

" Yes!"

" How do you know?"

" My father told me."

" Can he prove it?"

Draco looked at the young woman in front of him, a frown appearing on his face. He thought hard for a few moments before reluctantly shaking his head.

" I can't think of a way to prove it. From what my father's told me, though, you were an Order of the Phoenix member who was put under Imperius by the Dark Lord. You were supposed to have been killed at a battle in 1976."

" I was supposed to have been, but I wasn't. My nephew saved me."

" Your nephew?"

" Yes."

" But…You were the sister of Lily Evans, which would make your nephew…"

" Harry Potter."

" Potter!" Draco spat, " That bastard has ruined my life! I challenged him to a duel, and he sent a spell at me in parseltongue, and now I've ended up a Muggle! Then what does he do? He sends me to his aunt! When I get back, I'll…"

" Hey! Stop that. That's my nephew you're insulting. Now that we've established who I am and who you are, would you mind telling me why you're here?"

In response, Draco sneered at Heather and handed her the letter he had still been clutching. Taking it from him, she unfolded the parchment and started to read aloud.

" Dear Aunt Heather. Thank you for the letter, it was wonderful to hear from you and I promise to visit you soon. I have a small favour to ask of you, I hope you don't mind. I have sent a fifth year Slytherin student, Draco Malfoy, to your house, using this letter as a portkey. As a result of a duel he had with me, he has lost the use of his magic for a full two months. I ask that you let him stay with you for the duration of his incapacitation, as it would be unsuitable for him to stay at Hogwarts. Show him a little of the Muggle world he hates so much, and see if the loss of his magic makes him appreciate Muggles any more than he does now. Normally I wouldn't ask anyone for such a favour, especially having to put up with a Malfoy for two months, but I feel it is the best option available. If this arrangement is inconvenient, please send him back to me via portkey and I will send him to Aunt Petunia. Hope to see you soon, love Harry."

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