chapter 3

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The blonde girl did not seem to notice Deena until she got close enough.

Sam looked a little startled when he saw the brunette.

-'Oh, I... uh...' she stuttered as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

-'What are you doing here? Your boyfriend is going crazy and running around the school looking for you.'

-'I do not want to see him,' ​she replied.

-'Why so?'

The blonde girl did not answer, she just got up and headed for the exit, but Deena grabbed her hand tightly, not letting her go.

-' Let me go, goddamn it!'

-'I won't, unless you tell me what's going on.'

Sam sighed

-'I just got scared -that's all.'

- 'I don't think so.'

-'What do you know?! It's not like you can read minds or something?'

-'And what if I can?' she joked, as Sam let out a small laugh.

-'I am fine, really, but thanks... for caring I guess... Can I go now?'

She looked at Deena, then at her hand.

-'Uh... yes-' Deena stuttered as she was trying to find the right words while losing herself in her ocean blue eyes.

Finally, she let go of her.

-'Are you all right?'
Sam asked worriedly.

-'Well, your boyfriend almost crushed my lungs and kicked the shit out of me, so yeah, I am definitely fine.'
Deena said, feeling a sudden wave of sadness take over her.

-'Shit, I am sorry about that. uh....there's a party at my friend's house tonight...maybe you and your friend want to come too?'

-'I do not think I can, but I'll think about it. Thanks for the offer.'

-'Great, I'll give you my number so I can give you the details if you decide to come, or maybe we can even go together.'She said the last sentence a little quieter as she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote her number on it.

-'Where do you live... If you do not mind me asking?'
Deena asked

-'Fier street'

-'I live on the same street, that's cool.'
She smiled

-' I can pick you up if you want?'Sam said as her cheeks turned a little red, which Deena noticed.

-'Yeah, sure!' she smirked.

-'Great...I'll see you tonight then?'

-' Probably.'

The blonde girl turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Deena all alone.

*There was something about Sam that Deena could not explain, and that was not a bad thing*

As Deena walked outside, she saw Sam at the end of the hallway and... Jacob.
When he noticed Deena, he suddenly started making out with Sam. Sam obviously did not like that, but she did not fight back.

Deena felt anger take hold of her body as she stared at the two of them.

-' What are you looking at, Feak?!'
Jacob yelled

-' Jacob-'Sam tried to speak, but Jacob would not let her finish.

-'Shut up, Sam! Why can not you just shut the fuck up?! That's what I hate most about you!'

 he yelled at her

 -' You are protecting some nerds who deserve to be used as punching bags-'

-'Do not talk to her like that!' -Deena yelled, moving closer to them.

-'She's a wonderful person and you should appreciate that.'

-'Just get lost,' he laughed
-' It's not like you are going to get my girl.'

-'What is he talking about?' - Sam asked, looking confused.

-'Oh, come on. Do you think I have not noticed you staring at my girl, you frick? This is not gonna work. In fact- I am going to rail her tonight and there's nothing you can do about it,' he said as he burst out laughing.

 At that moment and Deena felt her fist hit something and she could not control it.

The next second Jacob was on the floor from getting an unexpected punch from Deena.

-' She doesn't deserve you, 'Deena said looking down at him.

-'We'll see that,'-he said as he stood up, ready to hit back, but Deena was already running out of the school and heading back home.

She ran as she felt a tear roll down her cheek.
*She has to save Sam from this guy. She has to *

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