Last Day Before Hell

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When I went to the owlry after breakfast there he was. Ulysses sat right next to Hedwig with the letter. Hedwig was peening his feathers affectionately. I sat down and watched as she clearly liked him. He was the first to notice me and squawked at her moving away carefully. I laughed "Hedwig if you like him that much I'm sure I can arrange for you to stay with him this summer." Both birds looked at me then flew down and did a dance in front of me give little hoots hear and there. "Alright you two will stay together this summer."

"May I have that Ulysses?" I asked while still chuckling. Unaware of Draco looking in at me from the window. "Oh, Ulysses if you leave Hedwig with a clutch of eggs to fend for on her own trust me I'll find you myself." Hedwig squawked at me. "Okay fine I'll watch the eggs and you'll gut him midair. Happy?" Get a confirming hoot I read the letter's as they played around.

After reading Voldemort's letter I quickly wote to him.

Mr. Tomson

Harry wants to thank you for what you're doing. Especially the portkey he turned it into a bracelet so he doesn't lose it. He was wondering if Barty would be there as his sitter? Apparently Barty is neat. And we both figure you won't let him be alone no matter what so he'll likely have a sitter. Magickal orphanages sound great. And your definitely right muggles are dangerous. What courses are missing? Was there art? I probably won't get a reply before we leave Hogwarts, so hold off until you know travel time is over probably a day or so after. Also magick inclusion? How did magick get messed up? As for his pen pals he's not telling. But they seem to cheer him up a bit.


After reading lord Malfoy's letter I waited a bit. Watching as the two preened each other. "Might just have a clutch to care for soon huh Hedwig." They both fluffed up their feathers happily. "Still need to find out if the Malfoy's would mind though."

Lord Malfoy,

It brings me never ending laughter to know that you couldn't keep that secret. As for writing lines your not my father. So good luck with that. As for his pen pals he's not telling. But they seem to make it a bit better. Also Hedwig and Ulysses want to stay together this summer. I've sent Hedwig with the letters so that people ask less questions. Harry's included a formal request for you to keep her over the summer due to her want of a clutch. If you take issue with it talk her out of it I double dare you. Hedwig won't return to Harry for at least a day after we leave.


Dear Lord Malfoy,

My owl Hedwig seems to have grown quite fond of Draco's owl Ulysses. As such she doesn't wish to be separated for long. If eggs should come of this I only ask you to let me see them a few times. As I do not have the means to take any extra owls though I would happily pay for their care.

Harry Potter

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