Baby's in the Hawthorne

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Harry just kissed Rabastan and Barty. Then ran off due to Tom yelling at him for it. Barty and Rabastan had turned to go after him but Tom shot them both with stunners. Harry was going to be in tears if they got hurt. This was exactly what Harry had been afraid of. Not able to let that happen I grabbed his wand and yanked it out of his grasp. Absolutely furious with him. "Narcissa give that back." I just glared at him. As I walked over and envinerate them.

"You know he was scared of exactly that reaction from you! I told him you wouldn't do that! I told him you had a level head! I ensured him that you wouldn't hurt them! That he wouldn't be alone forever! That you wouldn't do that to him! Look at you mister big man proving me wrong and him right! Are you happy now! That 14 year old knows you well enough to know you'd react like a complete and utter CHILD!" I punctuated the last by throwing his wand at him hitting him in the face with it. I grabbed both Barty and Rabastan by the arms their eyes wide with shock. And dragged them from the room. "Come on boys we need to find Harry before he gets lost or hurt."

Fenrir was right behind us and sniffing the air. The four of us spread out looking for him. At one in the morning I noticed Tom looking smug. "He probably just locked himself in his room." He stated heading for the stairs. At that moment Crashers popped in looking frantic. "Sir Harry is not anywhere inside. The garden elves be looking but they be thinking he went through the Hawthorne bushes." He told me panic on his face mirrored by Tom's own. "We need master wolf help!" When Fenrir moved past me and grabbed Crashers hand I knew this was bad

"What's past the Hawthorne bushes Tom!?" I demanded warily not liking how pale Tom had gotten. He sat on the bottom step heavily. "Baby is back there she has gotten aggressive in her old age." I paled now to. baby was a 7000 pound chimera. Aggressive at the best of times. But had always been very affectionate towards Tom. If even he was saying she had become aggressive that was bad. "Go in there and find Harry right this instant Tom... This is all your fault!" Not able to stand it I ran out towards the gardens.

As I made haste through the gardens I chucked my shoes in favor of speed. I was running now holding my gown up so as not to trip. Trying to get to the Hawthorne at the far back of the gardens as fast as I could. Then sev was running next to me. As soon as we reached the tall Hawthorne hedges we split up and started checking the edge for signs of Harry I nearly screamed when I saw bits of his clothes in the hedge. In stead I opted to yell for Severus. When he and Fenrir came from opposite directions. When they got to me I simply pointed. Fenrir came close to the hedge and sniffed. "It's his and he definitely got cut up I smell his blood. Crashers can you take me to directly the other side of this spot?" Crashers without even a word suddenly grabbed Fenrir's hand and disappeared.

Me and Severus leaned against each other and both of us slowly sank to the ground holding back our tears. "He'll be okay. He has to be. This is Harry were talking about. He'll probably make friends with baby." I wasn't sure who Severus was trying to convince me or himself. But it was something. When the sun roze in the sky and still no word on Harry came I started to feel tears falling. By noon Severus had to give me a sleeping drought. As my eyes fell shut I felt an elf hand take mine.

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