4. 🌟 Form (Closed) 🌟

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Before filling the form, please keep following points in your mind:

1. Make sure you have followed all the rules mentioned in previous chapter.

2. Fill the form in single inline comment otherwise your form will not be accepted.

3. One more little thing, if readers nominate their favourite book so writer of that book has to reply 'Yes' in comment.

4. Hindi, English and Hinglish books are accepted so don't get confused.

5. Every Genre has 5 entries only and Romance has 10 entries. Total entries are 30 only.

🌟 Genres 🌟

1. Romance {7/10}
2. Humour (Romcom) {1/5}
3. Emotional {1/5}
4. Aggressive {0/5}
5. Short story (contains minimum 5 chapter and maximum 20 chapters) {1/5}

🌟 Form 🌟

Username of writer:
Book title:
Are you a reader or writer (if reader mention your username):
No. of chapters:
Story description (2-3 lines):
Rules followed?:
Tags (7+) :

💫💫 Submit forms here through inline comment.💫💫

Last date of submitting form is- 🗓️ 12-12-21

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