Chapter-26: Â𝚖𝚎

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𝑰𝒈𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔


Your soul.

Jeongguk is not engaged,

Taehyung feels these words ringing in his head , again and again and with each second passing, he feels a wave of relief flowing through his veins,

"Jeongguk," He voices out after the realization finally settles in his mind , glances at the ravenette by swiveling his head to face his shoulder where Jeongguk's head remains pressed---not pressed but digged, because it is hidden there and with each breath that the ravenette draws---Taehyung feels it seeping in his skin,

"Is this why you broke up with me?" Jeongguk asks, in disbelief because it indeed is hard to believe that someone like Taehyung did something so dumb, well it can only be Taehyung that can do something so dumb but still,

"You saw me with Jiah and thought we were doing it?" Jeongguk repeats Taehyung's words, exact words and with the very same tone but it is tainted with something more----mockery.

Each word that Jeongguk speaks, Taehyung feels them buried deep in his skin and Jeongguk being so close to him makes his mind hazy because he really can not understand anything.

Is Jeongguk asking or mocking him?

Taehyung really can't differentiate between his words, it seems like he's doing both.

"I saw you," Taehyung whispers, persistent to his point and Jeongguk finally lifts his head up only to interlock their gaze----but this time, it is fierce, so fierce that Taehyung feels shiver running down his spine, in every fiber of his body from the intensity that Jeongguk's eyes hold,

"What exactly you saw that made you think that I would do something so---vulgar!" Jeongguk roars, finds the situation undeniably hilarious but at the same time, it's not.

"Call Jiah, she will explain you everything." Jeongguk is talking to Yugyeom but his eyes remain affixed on Taehyung, not breaking the eye contact because he wants to keep looking at Taehyung.

"Jeongguk, I want you to tell me everything." Taehyung demands and Jeongguk shakes his head, steps back---just a little, their bodies still colliding against each other.

"If I do, you won't believe me." Jeongguk says, huskily and is fucking hurt and when he steps back, finally creating a distance between them---Taehyung grabs the hem of his shirt, preventing him to move further.

"You will stay, right?" Taehyung asks, even in such situation---he still manages to melt Jeongguk and that's exactly why Jeongguk curses himself for melting like a fucking ice, because how can he not?

Taehyung isn't asking him and Jeongguk knows that,

"I am, " Jeongguk replies softly , leaning closer as Taehyung moves back, breath hitched----he can't breath, lungs burning yet he refuses to inhale but when he does, he regrets the moment----the intoxicating scent of Jeongguk's perfume invading his senses, it's still the same.

Still the same perfume----Taehyung's eyes widen at the realization, it indeed is the same scent----the perfume he gifted Jeongguk, on his birthday-----his heartbeat turns thunderous, the memories----the memories which he had forced himself to forget are back, just with a mere scent----the presence of Jeongguk is enough for him to lose everything he had done---to forget.

"You are close." Taehyung whispers, breath hitching in his chest as he stays pressed against the wall while the ravenette doesn't replies, rather just keeps his gaze darted----filled with such intensity that leaves Taehyung---breathless, defeate---bewitched.

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