chapter 7

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as i grabbed bens shirt, i fell and grabbed onto the trailer, at this moment both yas and darius grabbed me i pulled ben into darius's hands and i griped onto yas's hands, my hands were slippery due to the sanitiser, she looked at me and said " you better hold on, don't look down, only me, please don't leave me, please," i look at her " im trying to, im sorry," i feel my hands slip out of yas's and ben fell only a second later, i looked at her and yelled "I LOVE YOU, IM SORRY!" and that was it the trees got in the way and all i saw was black.

yasminas pov:

'i..i just let the love of my life fall out of my hands and the only thing she has to say is i love you and sorry, no im the one who's sorry, i let go,' i was crying and the others looked at me, kenji tried to make a joke but i punched him in the mouth, " your trying to make a joke while my girlfriend just fell to her death, what sort of sicko are you?" i asked him, i found her jumper and put it on, its still warm, " were going back!" darius yelled, i stopped listening and thinking about bambi, soon though we all juped of the monorail.....

sorry this is a short one i couldn't think of anything that would go with these scenes 







bumpy found her way to two body's one a ginger and the other a dirty blond, they were layed on one another, and there fingers twitched 


see you in book 2 ;)

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