Chapter Seven

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As though I was some sort of precious gem, Cody laid me down in the center of the bed. Not one to stand on ceremony, I scooted up toward the chunky headboard and used my momentum to wiggle out of my skinny jeans. As his slightly trembling hands unclasped the metal belt buckle at the center of his own work jeans, Cody's eyes blazed like a predator stalking his prey.

Watching my every move and flash boiling my blood in the process.

My magic twisted and broiled beneath my skin. It wasn't unpleasant exactly, more expectant. Hungry. Famished, even. While my mate's face had grown hard and angular in the moonlight, the smile he graced me with was almost shy. I ripped my singlet top up and over my head, reaching back to unclasp the bra.

"Wait for me," he growled. "Please?"

"Guess that's the least I can do," I smirked, hand dipping under the waistband of my panties, pulling a low groan from the shifter. As soon as my fingers disappeared from sight, I got to work dipping into my thirsty pussy then pressing fast, urgent circles on my clit. "Better get your sexy ass over here, cowboy, or I'll be coming before you've even kicked out of your jeans."

While I'd been talking, he'd already dropped his flannel button up onto the ground revealing a skin tight tee underneath. At my taunt, a snarl ripped through the room as Cody fisted that tank in two hands and ripped the shirt clean off, tossing its remains onto the floor.

The impressed giggle died in my throat as my mate stalked toward the bed, ripping open the fly on his jeans then I pouted when I realized he planned to leave his pants on.

"Don't stop on my account," he ground out, standing dead center at the foot of the bed to watch me fuck myself with that unfathomable alpha gaze. Under his intense stare, I rubbed my thighs together feverishly while my fingers doubled down on their efforts at his sultry suggestion.

Licking my lips, I eyed Cody's thick cock straining to escape the elastic briefs inside his jeans and imagined taking him deep into my throat then swallowing him further still. My hand worked furiously on my weeping sex within the confines of my underwear. I was desperate to rip them off to get more room but I wanted my mate to do it for me, now that he was finally claiming his place in my bedroom.

Without a word, my mate slid his hand down inside his pants to engulf his cock, squeezing it in a tight fist. Fuck, I was ready to come just from the sight of him, standing there proud and strong. Eating up all the air. Cody twisted his hand and palmed his cock—root to tip—drawing a low moan of desire from me.

While my own fingers trembled in an urgent plea, he moved in slow, taunting rhythm. Forcing me to soak in our spiraling need. Our desire for each other was thick on the tongue—bleeding through the wasted days, months and years—and reaching all the way back to our first meeting when a simple touch was enough to set off an electrical storm inside me.

"Don't you dare come yet, baby," Cody growled in a don't-fuck-with-me tone.

I snarled as the commanding tone made me want to be both a good and a bad girl at the same time. Choices, choices. To put off the decision, I kept moving but eased off thrusting myself straight over the edge of the rising cliff as I pouted at my mate. He grinned wickedly in reply, relishing both my temporary acquiescence and my instinctive urge to buck his authority.

"Don't wanna rush this, Lollipop," Cody soothed, making me slow even further as my eyes became laser focused on his hand. Without even thinking, I was following his lead. Matching the languid movements over his weeping cock with slow, aching circles on my clit before ducking deeply into my entrance just once then rising to circle the throbbing bundle of nerves again. "Wanna make sure we feel it, baby. Every step of the way." His eyes got serious as he gave me his best stern alpha look. "And if you need me to back off, you better tell me. I'm not here to rush into something you're gonna regret in the morning. Tried that, didn't much like the condolence card."

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