Chapt. 6 Tails in remnant.

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(This chapter began in Team JNPR's dorm as Ruby just finished explaining everything from the previous chapters)

Jaune: So you're telling that these two are named Sonic The Hedgehog and Tails The Fox, and that's their nemesis, Dr. Eggman, and he and his other friends came here to stop some Grimm that were attacking their home, so they went to a portal to stop them but split up, later you girls found Sonic and took out Roman and Neo, then Cinder, and now we have to find Sonic and Tails' other friends?

Team RWBY & Sonic: Pretty much!

Sonic: But what I want to know is how Tails survived through the days?

Tails: Well it's simple.

(Flashbacks to the gang splitting up while through the portal then coming out of the portal)

Tail as narrator: Ever since we split up, you and the rest of the gang fell while I didn't.

Tails: I'm lucky to be a two-tailed fox.

Tails as narrator: So, I flied to somewhere to be safe and that's where I found Emerald Forest.

(Tails then lands in Emerald Forest and is surprised by everything he sees)

Tails: Wow! This place is sure different from home. I wonder what kind of creatures I would find.

(Then suddenly a Beowolf appears from the bush and blocks Tails)

Tails: Oh, it's the creature that attacked me and the others. I must study you!

(Tails then starts observing the Beowolf as the Beowolf is confused on what's going on, then starts walking away from Tails)

Tails: Wait! Come back!

(Tails follows the Beowolf but it growls at him and walks away)

Tails: Oh, okay. Well I better get some rest for tomorrow so I can find Sonic.

(Tails then makes a shelter and goes to sleep)

(Next day)

(Tails wakes up and is in a happy mood)

Tails: Ahhh, what a nice day, time to start looking for Sonic in the sky.

(As he looking around he notices a Ursa, Beowolf and Nevermore,)

Tails: Huh, what's going on?

(Tails then notices the same Beowolf that he studied last night)

Tails: Oh, I see, you all want to fight?

(As he grins)

(All the Grimm growl)

Tails: Ok, well come and get me.

(The three Grimm start to attack Tails but he quickly flies up)

Tails: Ha ha, idiots, now time to go find Sonic.

(The Grimm starts following Tails as he flies, then "Can you feel the sunshine" from Sonic R plays)

(Tails soars through the trees while the Grimm are chasing him, the Beowolf begins to pounce at his tails but misses them, the Ursa tries to scratch his legs but he misses it, the Nevermore  tries to tackle but it almost got him but Tails lost flight speed and almost fell)

Tails: Ha, now how am I gonna get rid of those animals?

(The scene and song pauses)

Ruby offscreen: They're called "Grimm."

Sonic also offscreen: Yeah, what she said.

Tails as narrator: Oh, sorry. As I was saying, (the scene and songs resumes) I thought to myself "Now how am I gonna get rid of these animals?"

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