meeting for the first time

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Welcome to, life sucks! Everyday is the same, nothing new. I go to school, go home, eat, sleep, and then repeat. Except for today, something special and unusual would pop up today.

I headed to block 1, as usual. I was getting ready to go to music, while I was also grabbing my iPad, when I suddenly saw a glimmering figure come in from the door.

"Who was that tall, masculine boy?" I wondered. I could hear people saying, "That's the new guy!" But I was the most excited. I couldn't get my eyes off of him.

"My name is Darsh. I am advanced." His accent and voice were even better, I couldn't wait until he said the word temperature. I noticed he could see me staring at him so I decided to keep on going with my day and look away.

After attendance, we headed down to music and I talked with my best buds, "Did you see the new guy? He looks so... so..." I knew they were laughing at me inside, so I shrugged it off.

As we got to music, I sat down, but I couldn't focus on the xylophones that sat right in front of me. My eyes always drove me off to somewhere else. Darsh.

I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't. I had to go talk to him sooner or later, otherwise, his "best friend" Sanjeev would take him first. Bring it on Sanjeev...

Baby Breaths and Slushies // barsh ben x darshWhere stories live. Discover now