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Once upon a time there was a little girl named Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn had a stuffed teddy bear that she loved with all her heart ever since she first received it. She loved the bear so much that she even said she wanted to marry it and keep it by her side forever. However, when Gwendolyn is around her friends and other children, she has to keep her love for the bear a secret or else they will make fun of her and call her crazy because no other child Gwendolyn's age has an obsession with an inanimate object as much as her.

One day at school, Gwendolyn brought her most prized possession (her teddy bear). She decided to offer it to a girl in her class named Lucy. Lucy was not a close friend of Gwendolyn, but all of Gwendolyn's friends' declined the offer, so Lucy was the first girl she thought of.

"Hey Lucy!"

"Oh hi Gwendolyn! What's up?"

"So you see this teddy bear?"


"*lies* I was cleaning out my toys and found it and didn't want it anymore, so I thought I would give it away to someone, but it turns out that it was my security item from the day I was born and it's VERY precious and needs to be in the right hands, so will you take it? Everyone else said no"

"*mutters* well I can see why that happened"

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Also I don't want the bear, sorry"

"Aww man! That's a shame. He really wanted you. He told me you were the best looking girl out of all the girls I asked"


"Oh yeah. His name is Izzy. So, will you take him?"

"The answer is still no. Sorry"

"Ok *sigh*. Guess I'll find someone else then"

From there, Gwendolyn throws Izzy into Lucy's hands, runs away, and says,


Lucy then says,


Gwendolyn and her friends all run away in laughter. Lucy then throws Izzy across the room and says,

"Stay away from me you stupid, cursed bear! I don't care that you love me, I hate you!"

Izzy, although a stuffed bear who feels absolutely no physical or emotional pain, is hurt all over.

Later that day, Lucy and her friend James get on the bus to go home. However, Gwendolyn (and Izzy) are on that same bus.

"Hey Lucy!" Gwendolyn says.

"Uh what do you want now?" Lucy replies, indignantly.

"Your boyfriend wants to know if he can sit next to you. Can he?"

"Absolutely not. I hate that stupid creature"

"But he's your boyfriend?"

"No, he is not"

"You know hate really means love deep down"

"Oh please *rolls eyes*"

"It does. I'm being serious"

"No it doesn't. Now leave me alone please"

"Uh ok. But just know that Izzy is very sad right now and would like a ki-"

"-NO! Just leave me alone, please"

"*sigh* Ok, I'll leave you alone. *turns to Izzy and laughs*"

For the rest of the ride, Lucy and James are left alone, while Gwendolyn is busy talking to Izzy. Little does she know, Lucy and James are listening in.

7th Grade: Children's CutWhere stories live. Discover now