Tropical Toucan

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Name:Tropical Toucan  



Age:35 in human years


Appearance:Tropical is a dark blue rainwing with an baby blue underbelly,and green eyes.She is an average dragon,her wings are a little bigger though.She has a grey scarf around her neck that's made out of cotton.Faded bruises are on her legs,stomach and head*I'll explain in the backstory*She has dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep.Tropical has a short snout and tail.A little flower crown in worn on her heads sometimes*made out of Poppy's,daisys and roses*

Personality:A rather calm soul Tropical is.Often spends her time reading scrolls and spending time with her sisters.She's book smart,and a little street smart.Tropical is also paranoid and has severe anxiety,but her friends are there to help.She enjoys reading to dragonets.

Family members:

Biological father:Blue berry

Biological mother:Palm 

Adoptive father:Stormstriker 

His wife:Glitch-night*she is not considered Tropical's adoptive mother*

Adoptive younger sister:Death freeze

Adoptive older sister:Deadly frost


BFF:Chuckwalla *sandwing*

Good friend:rouge waves*seawing*

Good friend:crotalus*sandwing*

Good friend:deadly frost

Good friend:deathfreeze

Other friends:Thunder sea,Artic night and Stormstriker 

Queen they support:Thorn and glory



Backstory:Tropical hatched in the middle of the rainwing kingdom.her mother unfortunately didn't make it,and her father treated her very well. *Time skip 1 year later*One day,Tropical heard her father blueberry talking to Tropical's mother."I know right?she's a mistake"He said.Tropical started tearing up and ran outside,deciding to never return* typical ten year old vibes*She thought her father was talking about her,but little did she know,he was talking about his sister-Cranberry.Tropical was left in the rain.When suddenly,"Hey!what are you doing here all alone?"An odd looking nightwing dragonet asked her. ."My mummy and daddy left me..they said I'm a mistake!"Tropical said in between sobs."that's not good!" The odd looking nightwing said.An older odd looking nightwing looked at Tropical "what's you name little one?"he asked."Tropical Toucan" "That's nice!Im Stormstriker,the older dragonet is Deadly frost.The younger dragonet is Deathfreeze!".Storm said."wanna go too our house so we can find you new parents?"Storm said.*at the house*Stormstriker seemed like a nice guy.He was signing some papers and than handed them over to the rainwing at the door."okay sir,you can adopt her."When Tropical heard that,she started getting anxious.It's not that Storm would hurt her,it was that her father would be left all alone"but he called you a mistake didn't he?"Deadly whispered."yeah..." she replied.Tropical decided to shake it off.*3 years later*It was her first day at jade mountain academy,her sister had given her a tour.Tropical wanted to read a book,so she went to the libary.She found a table,with two sandwings and one seawing. "is this seat taken?" Tropical asked."Nope!you can sit here!"A male sandwing said.Tropical took it."I'm Chuckwalla!the Trans sandwing is crotalus.Tropical guessed he was a she at birth,probably because Tropical had noticed his eyes.gushes very good at telling if a dragon is male or female*"Crotalus waved."and the male  seawing is rouge waves"Chuck said."nice names!wanna be friends?"Tropical asked."Sure!"they said at once.After that,they became good friends."Well,I think we should go back to our winglets"Crotalus sighed."yeah,well bye!see you at the break!"*once they reached they're winglets*Tropical looked around.The teacher was a mudwing,there was a Nightwing,skywing, and a icewing.*time skip 4 years*Trops *hehe trops*Had graduated about almost two years ago,she was a librarian.When suddenly."TROPICAL YOU WONT BELIEVE IT!!!"Thunder shouted."what?!" "DEATH IS GIVING BIRTH NEXT MONTH" Artic shouted very excitedly."WAIT,REALLY?OH MY GOD!!!!"Tropical squealed.*after that**time skip 1 month*They were at the hospital with death.The dragonet was a little odd looking,probably because she was a tri-brid."Oh look she has Nether's eyes!"Deadly pointed out."yeah,they look better on her"Nether-Yama aka the father admitted."Ay don't be ridiculous,they look good on you too."Thunder whispered for the first time ever.And I'm out of ideas,sowwy.

Additional:In the future,she works as a librarian.


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