Rouge waves

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Name:Rouge waves




Sexuality: Gay

Appearance:Rouge is a light blue ,unlike his older brother Thunder Sea.This is because he takes after his grandfather while Thunder takes after his mother.Rouge has deep greenish and bluish eyes while his underbelly is 2 shades lighter than his main one.He has a clown nose exactly like Thunder's,and wears it all the time.He has a 2 scars on his legs,those scars are there because of battle-training,but those scars are only minor scars that are barley visible any more.

Personality:Rouge is a little calmer than his brother,in that sense I mean he doesn't yell all the time.Yeah,he may prank sometimes but overall he's a calm dragon.Rouge can be mean when he's done with Thunder's shit.Lets move on to his hobby's now.Rouge likes too swim and go too JMA,because he's not too social and has few friends in the seawing kingdom.Despite his calm personality*well,mostly*He likes battle-training,a subject that is very chaotic when his friends do it.Mr.Waves* I had too*has a bunch of friends that are walking disasters and is getting affected by them every day.This is could lead him too being like deadly or his dear older brother.

Family members:



Older brother:Thunder Storm


*no BFF cause he believes he should treat all of his friends equally*

Good friend:Tropical Toucan

Good friend:Chuckwalla

Good friend :Crotalus 

Good friend:Artic-night

Good friend:Deadlyfrost 

Good friend:Megladon*seawing*

Friend: Pacific * Deceased *

Friend:Aquarius * Dying of cancer*

Queen they support:Coral

Mate/crush:Megladon*mate and a male :D*

Dragonets:Sadly none.


Rouge waves,the younger brother of the one of the biggest pranksters in the whole tribe.Being born in the seawing kingdom*ofc*.His parents were guards,so they wouldn't be home often.It was just him and his brother most of the time,but rouge didn't mind and neither did Thunder. When Thunder went too JMA,Rouge was put in a daycare.He made a few friends there,their names were pacific and Aquarius.*Fun fact,Aquarius zodiac was actually an Aquarius as well*Aqaurius and Rouge also shared the same birthday!They went flying one day,but pacific went too fast and bumped her head while Rouge was hugging her crying.Aquarius got an teacher but it was too late,pacific has already died of blood loss.Lets move on too some happy stuff now!While Aquarius and Him were chilling in the ocean on his birthday,Thunder signaled/flashed at them too follow him,so they did.The lights were out,but suddenly.."HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Multiple voices shouted.It was a great party,with many tasty fish.Dang,it was the best birthday ever!Also because rouge and Aquarius celebrated together!


Rouge hugged his parents and went off with his brother."I'm gonna go to my friends k?"Thunder said."okay!".Rouge turned around"Also!you can hang out with a sandwing called Chuckwalla and his friends,I think their in your winglet"Thunder shouted so rouge could hear him."Okay!"rouge shouted back. He decided to go to the library,he could tell where it was because there were hanging scrolls outside of it.There,he saw a dragonet that was a sandwing and decided to go too him incase it was Chuckwalla."Hey!you must be the seawing in our winglet!"The sandwing exclaimed."hi...are you chuckwalla?"Rouge asked."Yep!Thunder-storm must have told you about me!" "Hi!"Another sandwing said from behind."that's Crotalus,she's my friend" Chuckwalla introduced her.A teacher came up,"Please head to your winglet."He whispered.*at class*"okay,we have a new dragonet!Rouge-waves please come in and introduce yourself."The teacher said. "Um..hi,I'm Rouge waves and I have a older brother,It would be nice if I were you're friends." Its been 2 months,and there's a rainwing coming in their winglet!It seemed like sit was a she and her name was Tropical Toucan.*in the Libary*is this seat taken?" A rainwing asked."Nope!you can sit here!"Chuck said.Tropical took it."I'm Chuckwalla!the female sandwing is crotalus."Crotalus waved."and the male  seawing is rouge waves"Chuck said."nice names!wanna be friends?"Tropical asked."Sure!"they said at once.After that,they became good friends.The group got pranked multiple times by rouge's older brother,Thunder storm.*2 years later*Rouge was being babysitted by his aunts,Deadlyfrost and Artic Night.This continued for one year whole since Thunder was training to become a police,he still spent time with him though.when sadly, Rouge got the worse news EVER.Aquarius had  cancer and was dying from it!!He started crying and crying since Aqua was  the only friend from daycare  he had!Rouge was currently dating Megladon,a male seawing that was rather nice.He comforted him,that was by hugging him.It reminded him of pacific's hugs,those were one of the best hugs ever.Lets end it off with a happy ending,Thunder was a successful police officer!*okay idk what too write now so I'll end it off here-*

Additional:Rouge wants too become a chef in the same restaurant as Tropical.Megladon is a librarian.

I think I'll do Crotalus next,its gonna be all of Tropical's friends for a little.I'm also trying to make the backstory's longer,This is the longest yet!*I think*

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