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The castle walls glistened in the afternoon light. Its golden appearance appeared bright on what was actually a very bleak day. Today was the day my father would end his war, the same war that he has been fighting since he was my elder brothers age. It wasn't new news. In fact, the palace had been buzzing with gossip for a month now, but alas it was time for the foreign prince to pick his future bride out amongst my sisters and I.

My father was as many men are. He viewed his women as property to do with as he pleased. If one of us was the solution to his problem, then we would be sacrificed like a lamb to wolves. Sadly, the disputes between rival kingdoms has brought us to this point. My father would never admit it, but this foreign king was doing him a favor in this plight. Our people were well aware that after nearly a decade, we were losing this war, and my fathers pride would not allow him to do so. This betrothal was a last resort for my once proud and strong family.

The place walls acted as a shield against the brutality of men. My siblings and I grew up lavishly and with great abundance. We never ached for food. We wore the finest of silks on our bodies. We grew up with plentiful and constant access to information. In many ways I was born lucky. My mother was the true Queen of Icudia, which made me a true princess. Many of my other siblings could not say the same. My father had many mistresses in his concubine, around 6 to be exact. The eldest older than my mother, and the youngest not much older than me. Together they had given him 18 children, only 14 of us remained. My mother had gifted him my elder brother Mikail, the heir to his throne, me; Isira, and my younger sister Yennie. We lost my other brother many moons ago to a plague that wrecked havoc upon our lands. In total, there were 8 of us girls and 6 boys. My father had lost 4 sons to this war. Mikail was supposed to leave for battle, but my father, King Parth, deemed it too great a risk.

"Princess Isira. The prince shall arrive shortly, we must get you ready for the selection," my governess informed me.

It took all of my will to not huff out my annoyance.

"Proceed then Lady Marsh," I answered flatly.

I was born into a life of gold, but shamefully I cannot help but want for more. My entire life I have been raised to be a prim lady. I've been schooled in the ways of women and proper ettiquite. For some of my sisters, this life suits them. They are more than willing to settle for trivial matters, like banquet hosting, gossip, and up to date fashion. My life would probably be easier if I lusted for the same, but I have always had different interests. Knowledge was my first love. I wanted to know everything that this world had to offer. I constantly schooled myself in the art of war, science, medicine, culture. If I could have chosen my own fate I would be a scholar. I'd open up a little school in the capital and educate any girl who wished to learn. It was uncommon in our kingdom for women to be offered such experiences. I had been taught to read soley because my mother had insisted on it, and for that I was lucky.

"Come child, I've had the servants draw you a bath." Lady Marsh called out.

I rose slowly from my bed. I had no sense of urgency when it came to the selection. I wasn't cattle that could be sold to the highest bidder. I was a princess. I'd spent my morning in silent protest towards the activities that awaited me today, and my muscles were stiff with my laziness. Drawing my arms above my head, I allowed my attendees to help my remove my night gown before silently stepping towards the heat that radiated out of the wooden tub. I slipped one foot in followed by the other as I slowly sunk myself into the depths of the water. The warmth did wonders for my taunt muscles, but little for my spiraling mind. I took in one large gulp of air before completely submerging my head. I counted to 45 before my lungs began to ache, still I pushed onward to test how long I could remain under the water. The silence was peaceful, and it allowed my overactive brain a moment of serenity. I reached 85 before two hands reached into my bath to pull at my shoulders. My face emerged from the water in an instant, and as it did I gasped for the oxygen I had willfully deprived myself of. My eyes opened to reveal my governesses annoyed gaze.

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