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 " W-what?" I stammered as I saw Prince Gion's eyes widen at Livio's words. " No, why do you ask?"

 Livio glared down, " Katie."

 " What do you remember?!" Prince Gion said a little too louder than he intended. He noticed his tone and turned red, shuffling behind Livio. Prince Gion always had a uncanny interest on my forgotten past. He just needed to know everything ;my memory, was the one thing that kept him on edge.  

" I, yes, only fragments of it," I sighed, glancing away pathetically. " It's nothing much, really. I only remember that I used to get sick regularly as a child..."

 I lied. There's no way I was going to tell Livio, let alone prince Gion, what I know. The story in my head was way to destructive to release at this moment. It would affect not only Prince Gion and Livio, but even Prince Shintarou.

 " I am so-, no, I deeply apologize for what happened just now. Regarding what Livio'd said, I will return to the headquarters. I must make sure, nothing like this happens again, ever," I said with sincerity. I meant it, I absolutely must do something to prevent break outs like this whenever visions like these arise. I can't afford to hurt anymore people. There was no saying I wouldn't recklessly harm them the next time. It's been quite some time I had one of these episodes, I was lucky to get it under control with some help the last time. 

 There was too much for his fragile and delicate royal brain to register and he felt light-headed. 

" I-I, need some air," he stumbled out of the room, gasping for air once he was outside and letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He glanced around, registering everything that'd happened because of this, what? A battle over the throne of the student council president?

 He felt like his life had been abruptly turned upside down. Everything was going well during the trip; his plan of evacuating the refugees worked well and they all boarded the cruise successfully. Everything was going fine when they were sailing away until? 

 Until the other princes pushed them off the boat. 

He can recall everything clearly; Katie didn't know how to swim and she was at the most bottom of all of them when they fell. He remembered, he was still conscious when they fell in the water, having reacted quickly and held his breath. Yes, he was conscious, but so was Katie. Livio and Shintarou was well out and it only left two barely illuminating lights in the dark abyss. He remembered water gushing into his ears trying to push Prince Shintarou up to safety and feeling a sudden gush of force coming from behind him, sending a few feet up, just enough for him to drag Livio up with him.

 How he desperately held Shintarou and Livio ,kicking and trying his best to keep them on afloat. To his luck, a piece of drifting wooden plank, old, rotten and held a host by barnacles,  found its way to him. He quickly got hold of it and grunted and struggled as he went all out with his strength and finally managed to somehow position Livio on top of the worn down plank. He still had to hold on to Shintarou though, as the plank had room for only one person and having Livio on top of the log was indeed the smarter decision as he was the heavier amongst all of them. 

He was about to let out a breath of relief when it him; he was holding on to Shintarou and Livio was on the wood, where was Katie? Grasping Shintarou close to him and holding onto the log so it won't drift away, he surveyed the mad waves of the ocean for any sign of her ; her dark blue hair, her pale face gasping for air, or just her flailing hands will do. But no, there was no trace, not even a strand of her cerulean hair. It was like she was snatched out of existence.

 He called out. Once, Twice, Thrice.

No response.

  He didn't give up and kept yelling, constantly keeping Shintarou afloat and holding the plank and Livio close. His hands were sore and his legs cramped. His lungs were burning, desperately grasping at all the oxygen. Soaked head to toe, heavy winds slammed passed the frail prince who shivered as his lips turn blue. He felt utterly alone and he started having flashbacks of all that had occurred before exhaustion took over him and everything went black.


 Back in the makeshift ward...

 " Your highness-," I looked up and attempted to stand up but I did it much too quickly.


I let out a cry of pain as I instinctively move a hand to cover the source of the agony. I collapse back to the ground. Livio gasped and Shintarou gasped at the sight. I took in deep breaths in order to try to relief the pain. I glanced down, blood was gushing, liberated by the dehiscence of my wound . 

 " Katie! Oh god!" Livio covered his mouth in horror as he dropped down to his knees and tried to help out by grabbing the bandage and wrapping it tightly. " Apply pressure! As much as you can and uh- try to prevent the blood from escaping or you'll have another blackout! I-I'll go call the doctors! Stay right there and don't move okay?! I'll be back in no time!"

Prince Gion x OC - More Than Meets The EyeWhere stories live. Discover now