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Summer's golden hues slowly crept into the leaves as autumn made its presence known. As the months progressed, Chuuya deteriorated faster and faster as he rapidly lost weight rendering him always fatigued and barely able to speak.

Dazai wrapped his scarf around his neck a bit tighter, protecting it from the wind's bite. He couldn't afford to get sick, not with Chuuya already so physically weak. The executive's insomnia had progressively gotten worse to the point Chuuya was unable to sleep at all. Dazai bit down on his lip in frustration. He had gone to Yosano for information about Chuuya's condition only to return with what he already knew. She told him the only thing he was able to do for Chuuya now was to keep his as comfortable as possible.

The brunet felt his frustration rise up as he reflected on his own helplessness. Regardless of what life had thrown at him, he always managed to find solutions with ease. However, Dazai found his hands tied behind his back, unable to do anything but watch as sleep deprivation slowly consumed Chuuya both physically and mentally.

Dazai opened the door to the apartment. "Chuuya, I'm home~"

False cheer echoed through the room, and Dazai cringed at the sound of his own voice.

Slowly blinking open his eyes, Chuuya greeted him from the living room.

"..wel..come b..back, Dazai."

The brunet walked over to Chuuya's side and sat down. Taking Chuuya's cold hand into his own, Dazai rested his head against Chuuya's, asking the same question he asked every day.

"How are you feeling?"

Chuuya shifted his head to meet Dazai's eyes. Exhaustion laced his normally sparkling sapphire eyes. The executive rested back against Dazai's shoulder before whispering out his response.


The detective could only bring an arm around the other's head, drawing him closer and silently comforting him the best that he could.

The two sat in silence as Dazai was preoccupied with his thoughts and Chuuya his own.

The first to break the quiet atmosphere surround them was Chuuya.


"Hm?" He hummed in response.

Soft hair tickled Dazai's cheek as Chuuay turned to face him.

"I.. I w-want to se-e the sun..set."

Toffee eyes widened at the request.

"Chuuya do you think you're up for it?"

Dazai couldn't help the concern laced in his voice even though he knew the other would notice. Chuuya's rapid weight loss accompanied by his inability to sleep had weakened him to such a degree Dazai worried a strong gust of wind would knock the petite executive over like a delicate paper doll.

Chuuya merely scoffed at Dazai's doubt. "Of cour-se I a-am. I w-wouldn't sug..gest it if I wasn't. Besides..." Chuuya gave Dazai a tired smile. "If i-it gets to b-be too much... you'll c-carry me won't you Da...zai?"

The brunet chuckled. "Of course Chuuya."

Dazai unwrapped himself from Chuuya's side and proceeded to grab their coats. He had originally reached for Chuuya's signature black coat but remembered the biting wind and grabbed a thicker coat of his own.

He threw the cloth in Chuuya's direction, ignoring the complaints about horrible fashion sense.

"My sense of fashion is much better than yours Chuuya," Dazai retorted as he approached the executive with a scarf in hand. The brunet wrapped the soft grey fabric around Chuuya's neck, once, twice, as sapphire eyes watched him without protest.

A Spring Without You is Coming [ChuuyaxDazai]Where stories live. Discover now