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Spring's warm days gave into the coming summer's heat as it brought the rainy season with it. Chuuya watched the rain splatter onto the windows as the droplets drenched the city beneath them. His increasing forgetfulness and exhaustion prevented him from attending work, and even if he wanted to, Mori had given him an extended leave until he was physically capable of performing the responsibilities he held as an executive. He had been reluctant to leave given how busy things were, but with Kouyou's urging, Chuuya had eventually given in. Now he spent most of his days watching the rain fall while listening to its pattering against the windows. He wished the rain would wash away his fatigue and lull him to sleep.

The gloomy overcast prevented most of the sunlight from breaking into the living room, but a few rays managed to hit Chuuya's sky blue eyes. Shifting around, Chuuya closed his eyes in attempts to block the intrusion from his face.

It was one of those rare days where Dazai didn't have any tasks at work, not that the brunet would have gone even if he had to. Dazai hated the rain, claiming that the humidity made his hair frizzy and cling onto him which ruined his good looks as well as his chances of obtaining a double suicide with a beautiful maiden.

Chuuya knew better. Dazai's excuse may fool others, but Chuuya knew the real reason why the bandaged detective despised the rain. It had been pouring the day Oda died. The heavy droplets reminded the brunet of his failure causing him to curl up in bed and sleep to avoid his memories. Chuuya knew this better than anyone else.

The redhead dragged his fatigued body into the bedroom where Dazai slept. Seeing his peaceful face struck a chord of envy in Chuuya as he wasn't able to sleep himself to escape reality any longer. He sighed and carefully slipped under the covers besides Dazai to avoid waking him up and brushed away the brown bangs covering his face.

There was no question that Dazai was indeed attractive. His fluffy brown hair that looked soft to the touch along with his twinkling eyes and catching smile made him physically very desirable. Despite their many years together, Chuuya had never really gotten a good look at Dazai's face when he was asleep. Curiosity compelled him to draw a little closer.

The brunet's long lashes nearly touched his cheeks while his chest fell rhythmically with his breathing.  His bandages were slightly loose and were beginning to unravel from his neck and arms, revealing the pale skin beneath it. Chuuya never understood the purpose behind Dazai wrapping himself up like a mummy. It would probably be one of those things he never would understand given Dazai's secretive nature when it came to himself. Chuuya wondered how they even made it this far together.

Dazai stirred in his sleep and rolled over onto his back. Pushing the brunet's wavy bangs out of his face once more, Chuuya softly laughed at Dazai's childlike face when his eyes drifted towards the window. Pale blue eyes slowly widened.


Chuuya shook the sleeping figure.

"Dazai wake up."


Dazai groggily rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Yawning he turned towards the other.

"What's wrong Chuuya?"

Chuuya pointed towards the window.

"Dazai, look. It's snowing."

The brunet blinked in confusion. "Chuuya what. It's the middle of summer."

Given Chuuya's persistent claims of snow, Dazai looked in the direction Chuuya was pointing.

Grey skies with a cloudy overcast greeted him as rain fell from the heavens as he was expecting. Not a single flake of snow in sight. He ran a hand through his hair, still confused as to why Chuya would wake up him when snow during the summer was unheard of. The executive should know it was impossible for the frozen water to fall given summer's heat.

A Spring Without You is Coming [ChuuyaxDazai]Where stories live. Discover now