Fallen From Above

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I opened my eyes and awoke on the hideous place known as Teyvat. I only planned on staying here for a short time, making sure all the heavenly principles were in place before the Archon war began. 8 gods would be treated with a gnosis and their very own area of Teyvat. That is when the heavenly principles would be set in stone.

I stood up off the bright green grass and looked at the blue sky, in Celestia it was never like this, everything was bland, very bland. I sighed as I brushed off my clothes 'Don't get attached, it may look pretty on the outside but on in the inside, heh, I hardly doubt it' I thought to myself.

All of Celestia was counting on me, or were they? Out of the Celestial gods i've always been the outcast and there was a reason for that but, I didn't even know it myself.

I looked into the distance, the grassy path looked like it goes on forever and I had absolutely no idea where I was going.

-2 hours later-

I was tired, really tired. I should've asked for a way around Teyvat before coming down here, although it would be a bad idea as time was running out.

I know this is really stupid, but do they expect me to never stop and take a break over the span of a week? I sat down under an apple tree and leaned my head against the trunk and before I knew it, I fell asleep.


I immediately sat up as I felt something hit my head. At my feet was an apple, bright and red. It was my fault for sleeping under an apple tree obviously this was going to happen but it was kind of like an alarm. When an apple falls it wakes me up, perfect.

I reached out to pick it up but someone beat me to it.


I looked up to see a short boy who laughed at me as he took a bite out of the apple. "Who are you supposed to be?" I tilted my head, he looked like a mere child mainly because he was short.

"I'm Barbatos" he said as he closed one eye. I had no idea what that meant but it seems like a threat. "Don't try to threaten me you shortie." I glared at him and he just laughed in response.

"Are you dumb or something it's called a wink!" he did the thing again, the 'wink'.

"I just arrived on Teyvat so...yes?" I was unsure what he meant by dumb. But it didn't matter anyway.

I stood up and wiped the dirt off my clothes. I glanced at the short one , once before turning around and continuing on the path.

"The people of Teyvat are so weird.." I mumbled underneath my breath. "I'm not that weird once you get to know me!" I turned my head to see the short blue haired boy looking up at me.

I took a step back in shock. "Are you a bug or something why are you following me?" I frowned, I wasn't use to company. On Celestia it was just me and occasionally another god teaching me random stuff I didn't care about.

"You seemed lonely." he smiled as he placed his hand on my head. I didn't have a response for that. I mean he wasn't entirely wrong, I wasn't lonely but I did get bored without anyone to talk to.

"You, may follow but only for a bit." I sighed in defeat. I guess it would be nice to try having some company just to see what it feels like. He smiled as we walked along the path.

"So what's your name?" he looked at me curiously. "I said you could follow me not ask me questions." I scoffed. "Well~ I can't address you properly if I don't know your name~!" he tried to sound persuasive but it sounded more like whining.

I sighed once again, "You may call me whatever you like, my name isn't important to know for people like you."  Barbatos stopped for a second in thought, yet I didn't wait for him I kept walking. My mission was time based after all.

"Oh-Oh! I know! I'm going to call you..hmm.. Cecilia!" he jumped in excitement as if he was proud of his choice.

"As you wish." I looked back him as he ran to catch up with me.

I walked around for a bit occasionally examining the life on Teyvat, I mean that's what I was supposed to do right? How can I make sure the heavenly principles are in place when they no reason to be in place yet.

I sat down underneath a bigger tree as I was getting tired. Maybe I should've done more training... but oh well that can be a problem for future me.

The blue haired boy sat down in relief "finally! I thought we'd be walking for hours!" I scoffed, "That's nothing compared to the people I know!" he closed his eyes, "Well the people you know must be scary." He chuckled

'oh trust me, they are' I thought to myself.

For the next few days it all repeated, Barbatos would follow me around while I check up on stuff then we would take a break.

"Cecilia!" he called out to me even though we were 1 meter away from each other. I lifted my head to look at him. "I've been thinking that we should be friends!" he smiled nervously. I believe he thought i'd say no, but honestly I enjoyed having a travel partner.

"I'd like that." I smiled as I looked at the bright blue sky, but the blue was fading.

Red slowly covered the skies. "Huh? What's going on??" Barbatos noticed it to.

It was the archon war, celestia must've announced the 8 seats for 8 archons.

"Oh no... I missed it!" I only had one chance to leave and that was before the war had started, I thought they'd at-least give me a warning for when they're coming.

"What did you miss?" the short boy looked a little bit nervous. "It's not important... just right now..be careful." I looked in the distance, I feel like I could hear screaming being carried on by the wind.

"What's going on!?" The tips of the boys braids glowed slightly as he took a step closer to the horizon.

"The archon war."

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