The Archon War

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Barbatos titled his head in confusion,"The what..?" I was confused on how he hadn't heard of it , until I realized I've known it for far longer then Teyvat.

Thinking about it maybe I was supposed to stay here until after the archon war so the heavenly principles are officially in place. So that humanity can no longer try and overstep Celestia.

"I cannot give much detail but it's a fight to the death, the last 8 left become the archons of Teyvat and revive a piece to rule over." I spoke in a clear voice.

Honestly I was worried about myself I had spent my whole life preparing for something that Celestia didn't even live up to their word on.  Manipulating people is what they do best, but would they manipulate one of their own gods?

I was supposed to be gone and I knew I was, my mission was finished. Perhaps this is based off my stupidness of never listening but that didn't matter now, what mattered was surviving.

Once I win I can ask Celestia what happened, maybe that's it I'm supposed to win!

I snapped back to reality as I felt a tap on my shoulder, Barbatos. He would be the easiest kill. But no i'm not that desperate, I don't want to kill my only companion.

"Let's work together, we can win together" he smiled but I could see the fakeness of it. He was nervous and honestly I was to.

I nodded my head, "We'll make it through together." a faint smile spread across my face.

The next few years were horrible, bodies littered across all of Teyvat. It was truly a traumatic sight to see. But throughout those years I stuck with Barbatos, well most of the time.

I ran across the battlefield searching for the short blue haired boy. "Barbatos? Barbatos!" I screamed out. The number of gods were lowering which highered the chances of battling someone you can't beat.

Blood stained my shoes as I ran everywhere seating until I saw him, and a girl with a younger figure holding a polearm to his face.

She laughed as she lifted the polearm and prepared to attack, I was too far away to do anything about. I was about to give up, it was over for him. But a voice rang in my head..

'Hmph, your lucky I show pity on you'

And then the unbelievable happened, in the blink of an eye the girl dropped dead beneath my feet. "Sorry." I mumbled, killing people wasn't fun especially if they wanted to live just like everyone else.

Barbatos who seemingly was waiting for the final strike opened his eyes. "Cecilia!?" he looked shocked yet thankful.

I felt like I was trembling what had happened, how did I get here so fast? Before I could go deep into thought the skies brightened.

"Huh?" I tilted my head slightly. "Is it over?" Barbatos murmured something I couldn't hear.

When realizing he was still on the ground I reached out my hand and he gladly took it.

"Well let's go and see!" he smiled brightly for the first time in a long time, "That's not a good idea.." I responded while following him.

I expected it to be a prank, we've been fighting for our lives now all the sudden it's over? It was unbelievable, but so was everything else in Teyvat.

I didn't even know where we were going until Barbatos pointed out to a glowing figure in the distance.

"I can't believe it"
"Neither can I, Shortie"

I still called him short even in tough times it brought the up mood just the tiniest bit. A light pink covered his face as he turned his head clearly flustered.

"I could be tall if I wanted to!" He raised his chin.
"Sure you could." I smiled.

How could I still smile after all that I witnessed, near death, bodies dropping, a crimson colour covering my clothes.

We continued walking occasionally talking to keep it from getting the awkward. The archon war just made us closer, stronger.

I stopped the second I recognized the glowing figure, the long white hair, golden yellow eyes and the swoosh of hair.

It was none other than the Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles, Or in other words Kiana Kaslana the Herrscher Of The Void.

(I know the sustainer isn't canonly Kiana this is just for the fanfic)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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