Chapter 1

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                                                                      Jacobs POV

     "Hey Carrie! Guess what?!" Jacob shouted out to Carrie. "You broke up with Jasmine. Yes I know. Good job. I hated her. She treated you so badly and you never really noticed it until I told you." Carrie said to Jacob happily. "Thanks for killing the surprise cool kid." Jacob said laughing. "No problem buck o!" Carrie lauged while walking down the hallway to math class.

                                                                     Carries POV

      Okay so today is the test. You got this Carrie. I have hpe and faith in you. Don't lose that or forget that. Carrie thougt to herself. I have to at least get a B. Carrie kept thinking. "Okay class, please take your seats and have nothing but a pencil on your desk." said Ms. Wygant to all the students in the class. As Ms. Wygant passes out the tests, Carrie closes her eyes and thinks of all her hope. "okay class, the tests are out. Please begin." Ms. Wygant stated. Carrie finished her test and hnded it in. A couple mintues later, Ms. Wygant called Carrie up to the teacher desk. "Carrie, you did an amazing job on your test! You did miss 2 but you did really good. I can tell you did not study for the test and thats okay. Your mom emailed me and told me why." Ms. Wygant told Carrie.  "Thanks Ms. Wygant. Okay I will try my best and study for the next test." said Carrie.

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