Chapter 15 ~ The wedding *Part 1*

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Leon ~

Well, I know it was a bit rushed and wring timing, but it was the only way for Violetta to believe that I and her are forever, even if we discussed lying and Diego, within everything I knew this was the right time where we have waited long enough.

Maxi: Are you mad, Leon? how did you get all this ready while having a discussion with Violetta?

Leon: Well, I've been planning it for weeks that why I didn't want Violetta to do any ideas where I had ideas of my own and I knew she would love this.

Federico: But isn't supposed to be both of your weddings, not just yours?

Leon: Well, I got the idea of this location from Violetta writing ideas down in the magazine she was reading.

I put my suit on while the guys were talking to me, we made our way back to the park, when I arrived it was full and of course Violetta's boss would turn up.

Mr Griffiths: Ah, Leon Vargas.

Leon: Who wants to know?

Mr Griffiths: Violetta's boss.

Leon: I didn't think you would come.

Mr Griffiths: Well invited a plus one too, *Looks around* He should be arriving now.

As we looked at the path there, he stood oh great, now this is going to ruin Violetta's day, why did he have to come.

Diego: Leon Vargas.

Leon: Diego Hernandez, you weren't invited.

Diego: Well, you didn't invite me, Mr Griffiths did, well she must be easy to marry you after threatening me about her in my office yesterday.

Leon: What are you even doing here?

Diego: Well, since you and Violetta are going to be up the alter getting married, I can sit with my son you know Mikey the son of Violetta and I made.

Leon: Oh, well he's with his grandma and his grandad so good luck sitting with him.

Diego: Oh, they will let his father sit with his son I'm part of the family.

Leon: You screw this up for me or Violetta then you won't know what hit you, I swear.

Diego: Oh, here comes the threatening again, funny you can talk the talk but can't do the actions.

Leon: Don't tempt me.

Diego went to sit down, while Federico and Maxi went to see Violetta, I stood with Broduey and Andres until Violetta were ready.

As Violetta was ready she started to make her way back to the park, on the way Angie, Camila and Francesca we're in the car with her.

Once they arrived at the park she got of the car, I made my way to the alter, as it was time for Violetta to walk down the aisle, while Violetta walked down the aisle she looked at everyone in the audience until she saw him there with her son when she got to Leon.

Violetta: *Whispers to Leon* What the hell is Diego doing here?

Leon: *Whispers back* Your boss invited him as a plus one.

Vicar: Welcome to the wedding of Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo, we are gathered here today to witness the union of their love if there is anyone here who doesn't think these to should be married please say now forever hold your peace.

As it was silent Violetta held my arm tightly hoping that Diego doesn't say a word.

Vicar: That's always a nerve-wracking moment, we should continue Leon repeat after me.

Leon and Violetta said their vows and exchanged their rings.

Vicar: I now pronounce man and wife, you may kiss your bride.

We kissed passionately as everyone started cheering well all except one Diego.

Leon: I love you, Mrs. Vargas.

Violetta: I love you Mr. Vargas.

Maxi: Let's Party!!!

Everyone laughed at Maxi, as the bride and Groom walked up the aisle they all followed and Angie took Mikey away from Diego.

As we all got to the wedding reception that everyone decorated so beautifully.

Broduey: Let's all welcome back the Bride and Groom.

As we walked through the doors to see everyone they cheered.

Leon: My bride *Lets her walk through first*

As she walked to the table we were sitting on, the music started and everyone ate, laughed and danced.

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