You Are The Faith Inside Me [A Ziam Story]

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A/N: This is an idea I've had for a long time, manipulated and changed around for ages into something I wanted perfectly. I'll start this when "When You Are Near" is complete or at least nearly complete, because I'm pretty eager to write this :)

Dedicated to Rhiannon, because she's my #1 Supporter, she is perfect and amazeballs, and because we just love Ziam :3 (also because her boyfriend is Liam and my boyfriend is Zayn and apparently we ship our boyfriends with each other????) Enjoy! x


Zayn's not an angel. No matter what those higher up's and lower down's might say, he's not an angel. 

Zayn's a Salvationist. 

Since he killed his mortal soul on Earth by committing suicide, his immortal soul, which was supposed to go to Heaven to become an angel, was condemned to a lower ranking, lower than an angel but higher than a simple soul. He's destined to save suicidal souls back on Earth until he proves himself worthy to become an angel. 

So, he's not an angel. 

However, he can't stop getting that annoying Liam kid down on Earth to stop calling him that. 

He saved Liam James Payne from throwing himself off a bridge on January 17th, and now the kid won't leave him alone. Zayn's always assigned to suicide risks around England, and now that Liam's seen him once, he can see him again.

Salvationist's are invisible to those they haven't saved and those they won't save, so only a select few can even see them. And Liam is one of them. And Liam won't leave him alone. He doesn't seem to get the fact that it's Zayn's Job to save his stupid arse, no matter how many times Zayn explains it to him (which is becoming too many to count).

He's not an angel, he's not a Guardian angel, and he's certainly not a fucking Archangel (He even brought Niall down to show him the difference. Niall's innocent and beautiful and Zayn's still riddled by his suicide wounds.) Liam's still completely enraptured by Zayn, and it makes Zayn frustrated.

He doesn't understand Liam, because what's so exciting about a dumb suicide victim that basically destroyed his chances of becoming a angel? Zayn doesn't want Liam to keep interfering with him and his job, but the boy is determined to befriend him. 

Zayn doesn't want his pity, but for some reason, all Liam seems to want to give is love, and Zayn doesn't know what to think of it.

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