Survival Instinct

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The day was rainy and wet on the island. A perfect day for a hunt. The man looks down the hill. He raises his high-power rifle and looks through the scope. There she is, his prey. The man laughs to himself as she starts to climb up a tree frantically. She looks very haggard and muddy from trying to escape from him. But that's what he likes: running prey. The man sets himself prone on the ground for a better shot and just stops breathing. He aims for the girls head and fires off a shot. The bullet fly's through the air and finds its home. She falls from the tree and hits the ground.

The man runs down the hill and picks up his successful kill, slings her over his shoulder and heads back to base camp.

A few minutes later he reaches his camp and is greeted by cheers from the other hunters. Later at night after a banquet is held for all the successful kills from the past two days. Two men and three women were killed and that provides food for the hunters that night. They cook the bodies over an open fire and dance,sing and drink alcohol. They then have a feast, passing the meat from their game around the table. Then after the partying and feasting is over all men retire for the night looking forward the next group of prey to be dropped on their island.

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