Chapter 3

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I wake up when the sun is just rising over the horizon. I look out of my lean to and see nobody else awake. I get up and walk over to the charred remains of our fire, and sit down. As I sit there and watch the sun rise over the hills my stomach growls like a caged animal. I have to find a way to get food. I look around and still no one is up, so I turn and head into the jungle. I look for a nice sized stick that I can use as a weapon. After a little bit of searching I find a perfect one. I snap it off the fallen limb and start heading back to the clearing. Suddenly a snap comes from my right. I whip my head to the side and staring back at me is a huge wild boar. I stand stock still not moving a muscle. But the boar has different intentions, it snorts loudly and moves its feet in the way a bull would. Then it lets out a half roar half squeal as it starts to charge me. Just before it mauls me I dive to the side and roll. I rise up, club in hand as the boar charges again. It falters as I run towards it with the club raised above my head yelling. I swing it like a baseball bat and it hits the boars head and breaks in half. The boar falls against a tree, but not for long. I swear that it glares at me as it regains balance.


I take off in a sprint through the jungle. The boar squeals behind me as it gives chase. As I'm sprinting it gains on me, but I look at the club and notice that it's sharp where it snapped. I see a tree up ahead and start towards it. When I reach it I run up it a little bit. As I do I turn and launch myself towards the boar behind me. Raising the sharp stick above my head I bring it down through the boar's head. It's momentum keeps it running as I fall off onto the ground. The boar slams into the tree driving the stick deeper into its head. Finally it falls over and goes still.

"Isaac!" I hear Gary's voice through the trees.

"Over here!"

I see bushes moving as he emerges.

"Woah" His eyes widen as he takes in the giant beast.

"Yeah kinda got in a skirmish."

"I can see that. How'd you kill it?"

"I found a makeshift club then it broke so I stabbed it."

"Nice well we can use this for food."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

After about half an hour me and Gary drag the dead carcass back to camp. Mostly everyone is up and about when we finally get back.

"Holy crap" Cecily says as she walks over to us emerging from the woods.

"Who killed it?" she asks.

"I did" I answered.


Finally we get it to the long gone fire. Gary and I wipe the sweat from our foreheads. Charlie comes over to us.

"Big catch huh?"

"Yep" I reply.

"We gotta find a way to cook this" I point out.

"Yeah but I think we should explore a little and find out about this place" Charlie says.

"Alright gather a few people and we'll be off."

After a little bit a few people make up a small group including Gary, Cecily Me and Charlie. We start off into the woods. About twenty minutes later we are very far away from camp when I see it.

"Look!" I yell and point to a tree.

I start running towards it and then reach the ladder. It's a tree stand. I start to climb, when I'm at the top I see a backpack. I unzip it and look inside, and it feels like heaven just hit me in the face. Inside is a large knife, matches, several water bottles, and tons of jerky sticks.

"What's up there?" Cecily yells.

"Tons of supplies." I yell back.

"Awesome bring it down."

I climb down the ladder and show everybody what's inside. We decide to head back to camp from the tree stand. When we get back we pass out some water and jerky rations to everyone. I sit down with Cecily and we bite into our jerky.

"You ever had jerky before Cecily?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"This doesn't taste like any jerky I've ever had."

"What's it's supposed to taste like?"

"I don't know maybe I'm just on edge."

"That's alright I am too."

"Hey Cecily?"


"Do you mind if you tell me a little about yourself?"

"Nope I don't mind. Well where to start....I guess there's not much to say. My parents got divorced when I was thirteen and I have two brothers. They both have done really good with their lives and got married. My mom's a drunk and my dad doesn't keep in touch with me. Neither do my brothers. So to sum it up my family forgot I existed."

I stay silent for a little bit then Cecily asks "How about you?"

"Um me uh I'm an orphan. I'm an only child and my parents died in a car crash when I was fifteen."

"I'm so sorry Isaac."

"You don't have to be sorry."

Suddenly a shot rings out through the air. People scream and dive for the ground. Then I hear Charlie's voice yell "NOOO!" I whip my head around and see Lily on the ground with Charlie kneeling next to her. The worst possibilities bound into my head. I grab Cecily's hand and run towards them. As we reach them I see blood pouring out of a bullet wound on her stomach.

"Is anyone a doctor!?!?!" I yell standing up.

"I am!" a man replies rushing towards us.

"Isaac!" I hear Gary's voice yell. I look up and see him pointing towards the edge of the clearing. There stands a dark figure in the shadows.

"Your gonna pay!" I yell. I start running and Gary gives chase with me. The figure turns and start running away into the woods. I pull out the huge knife that I put in my belt. Gary and I dive into the thick jungle as we follow the shooter. I see him up in front of me, suddenly he trips and falls to the ground. I reach him just as he's getting up. I run up and kick him in the back, and he falls down again. Gary arrives and pulls the rifle out of his hand.

"You scum" he says turning the man over. He then punches him in the face repeatedly. I put the knife to his throat.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" in yell in his face. He spits out blood and starts to say something. But instead he starts laughing hysterically.

"I can smell the human meat on your breath" he says laughing.

"What?!" I say appalled.

"Why do you think your here? for the sights? no we will hunt you and then eat you!" he continues laughing maniacally again.

I then realize why that jerky didn't taste right. Sick to my stomach, I turn around and puke in the grass.

"Shut up!" Gary yells and punches him again.

"Don't Gary, he's coming back to meet Charlie."

Gary stops punching him and stands up with rifle in hand.

"Okay but if he tries anything I'm putting a bullet in his back" he says.

"He won't be able to do that" I say. Then I raise the knife and bring it down on his knee. It digs deep and he screams out. Gary steps over and grabs his hurt foot, and starts dragging him back to camp.

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