chapter two

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Chapter two

"Bella, why the hell are we in italy."

She looks at alice. She nods. "You can tell her." Alice said

"So Edward and his family are vampires." bella said.

"Ok but why are we in italy?"

"Alice can see the future and she saw Edward trying to die and something with you."

"What about me?"

"She can't tell yet" .

Some guards tell Alice to stop the car. "Bella go he's under the clock tower." Bella then runs.

-time skip to the castle-

Alice breaks the lock on the door and we go in and see two guards.

"Guys come on, it's a festival." Alice said.

We then hear heels on the floor. When a girl that looks to be about 13 with blood red eyes comes around the corner. "Aro sent me to see what's taking so long." she said.

She then looks at me and says "you brought another human into this."

"We didn't have a choice. He will also be pleased to know she has powers I've never seen before." alice said.

We come to two large doors. That jane pushes open and puts her hand in a man with long raven hair and his eyes gloss over.

"Who's that?" I asked alice.

"That aro." 

"What a surprise Bella is alive after all." Aro said

When he lets go of Edward's hand he looks at me and then the other guy with long brown hair said "aro." and holds his hand out to aro

Aro grabs his hand and smiles.

"Can I see your hand please." He asked

I looked at Alice and she nodded so I put my hand in his and his eyes glossed over.

And soon I felt someone trying to get in my head and I ripped my hand out of his.

"What the hell are you doing?" i asked

Alice whispered to Edward but I didn't hear what she said.

"Hey just let him, I promise he will not hurt you." Edward said .

"He's trying to get in my head." I told edward.

"I know, just let him."

"Ok" I give aro my hand again.

When he lets go he said "you have a beautiful gift."

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