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Tw: mentions of blood <3

(Tommys pov.)

It was dark outside when i woke up, but i remembered. It was the last day of my exile. I excitedly got up and put all my good stuff in an ender chest. It was maybe 6:00 so it wouldn't be too long before i got to leave. Until dream showed up instantaneously. He seemed.. angry? I didn't understand. He started to place TNT right where my chest of hidden items were, and lit it. I tried to grab the chest, but was met with explosions. All i could see was white and a ringing in my ears.

I woke up, maybe hours later and i was bleeding. Everywhere. I crawled onto my half blown up bed and put my hands over my ears. The ringing wouldn't stop. I tried to yell for Dream, and yet, my throat was hoarse and i couldn't speak. I was trying so hard to speak, and yet, i couldn't. Until i realized. I couldn't hear. I COULDN'T HEAR. Everything was so silent. No more waves crashing against the sand, no more sounds of my feet on the gravel. Nothing. I panicked, trying to make myself hear something. But there was nothing. Nothing at all. Then I saw Dream, he was mouthing something while walking towards me, but I couldn't hear.

I tried to get up but my skin was so torn from the explosion I couldn't move or else I would be in awful pain. To my surprise Dream looked.. worried? I sat there, useless and afraid. I saw as Dream grabbed something from a chest, bandages. But why?


I recently saw Tommy hiding things from me. It angered me, made me mad that he would hide his stuff from me. So, I decided to visit him. I was pissed, and I had lost control of my own body. I placed the TNT and lit it with a flaming arrow. I watched as he frantically tried to grab the chest underneath. But, he wouldn't move himself away from the TNT. He wouldn't move away and I had to watch it blow up in his face. After the explosion, there was blood everywhere. But i didn't care, it was his own fault right? Whatever.

I left Logstedshire, not trying to get caught by any prying eyes.

Eventually, I came back to bandage him up, since it was his last day and he was about to leave. I grabbed the bandages out of the chest I had carried with me and put it back into my inventory. I looked over at Tommy, he was awake and on his half blown bed, shaking and bleeding still. I walked closer asking if he was ok, he seemed confused, like he didn't know what I was saying.

Hola my brother altered this story and made it better for me so its not gonna be good for the next few parts🧎‍♀️

Follow him here :) he streams Minecraft and he's cool

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