Chapter Seven

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don't hate me and please don't get too upset 

Chapter 7

Tegan’s POV

“Well? Why are you late?” Daddy asked again.

“I err, had to errm, help Maisie with her homework.” I lied, I hated lying but I couldn’t just tell him about Ryan could I? Maisie was my best friend. My only friend, but daddy doesn’t know that.

“Fine, just tell me where you are next time okay?” Daddy said, kissing the top of my head. I nodded and mumbled a soft ‘sorry’. “Zayn’s coming over with Jacob in a bit, Perrie has some show or something.” He informed me, making some tea.

“’Kay, I’m just gonna go change. Yell when they’re here yeah?” Daddy nodded and went back to busying himself in the kitchen.

I ran up the stairs and changed into some black leggings and an oversized jumper, slipping some uggs onto my feet. I started up my laptop, the buzz of the battery tearing into the silence. I logged into twitter. Huge mistake. Most people would have done a double take at all of the hate messages that filled my newsfeed but this was old news to me. Every day I get this. Hate message after hate message. I’ve never done anything to them, why should they hate me? What did I ever do to make them hate me?

Tears sprung up in my eyes reading some of them; @louisaaa: @tegan_payne_ ew, just ew. Go kill yourself.

@mrspayne_69: @tegan_payne_ how are you even related to Liam? You’re disgusting!

@teganhaters: @tegan_payne_ someone ate too much today!! #fatty

I was so wrapped up in this little world of hate that I had no idea daddy was stood in the doorway.

“Why are you crying princess?” Daddy asked, sitting on my bed pulling my into his chest stroking my hair. I tilted the screen towards him, sobbing even more as his eyes read every hateful word. The same words that Ryan called me. The same words I called myself. “Sweetheart please don’t read any of this. You’re my perfect little princess, they don’t know you for who you really are.” He stroked my tears away, calming me down. “How long has this been going on for?” I thought back,

“Since I got twitter but it got worse a few months ago.” I left out Ryan and his gang and everything I’ve ever told myself.

“Why didn’t you tell me Tee?” I smiled as he used my nickname my mum gave me. I shrugged.

“I didn’t want to be a burden.” I whispered.

“Tegan Roseanna, you’re my daughter, you will never be a burden to me!” Daddy exclaimed.

“Promise?” I asked, holding out my pinky.

“Promise.” He confirmed, hooking his pinky in mine. “Now wash your face and come downstairs, uncle Zayn and Jakey want to see you.” Daddy kissing my forehead and took my laptop downstairs.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face, reapplying some mascara to my lashes, and grabbed a razor. I’d done this before so it’s nothing new, just not in a long time. I held the blade to my wrist and pressed, dragging the sharp edge over my slightly tanned skin. I made four cuts in a line; one for the twitter haters, one for Ryan, one for my self hatred and one for my mum. I washed the blade, storing it in my tin which would soon return to my room, and my cuts, placing a few plasters over them to stop them from bleeding into my clothes.

I glanced into the bathroom mirror to look to my disgusting self, as I did, the hate came to mind. I was beginning to see why they called me disgusting. I am disgusting. They’re just telling the truth. I practiced my fake smile for the millionth time before jogging down the stairs.

“Hey Tee-Tee!” Uncle Zayn exclaimed when he saw me, wrapping my enormous body into a hug. “Does Liam not feed you or something?” He asked, poking my stomach. “You’re all skin and bones.”  I faked a smile at his lie, I know that he has just noticed how much weight I had gained but didn’t want to hurt me.

“Could say the same thing about you! Look at Jakey, he’s tiny!” I said trying to draw the attention away from me and my weight. I pointed to the toddler engrossed in some old toy that apparently used to be mine.

“Tegan he’s three.” Daddy said, flopping down on the sofa next me to me. I folded my arms in defeat, sighing slightly.

“Don’t be like that Tee-Tee, it’s Thursday so you only have one more day of school before the weekend with your favourite uncle!” Zayn smiled.

“Daddy you never told me I was going to uncle Niall’s.” I called out to him in the kitchen innocently.

“Hey you cheek be-

“Language uncle Zee, Jakey is only three!” I cut him off. He stared at me for moment or two before tickling me until I was squirming around, yelling and laughing, Jacob doing to the same as he looked at us. Uncle Zayn grabbed my wrist to help me up, but on succeed in sending a soaring pain through my arm, to which I winced loudly.

“Tee-Tee?” He asked, looking at me confused. “ Is that…blood?” 

sorry if any of those twitter names are real/ yours 

Em xxx

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