Chapter Eleven

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erm...yeaah, enjoy

Chapter 11

Tegan’s POV

An awkward silence had fallen between the four of us. The girl, well, woman, was still waiting for an answer and daddy was awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

“Erm, Rachel this is Tegan. My daughter.” Daddy said putting his arm around my shoulders. “Tee this is Rachel, my girlfriend.”

“Hey.” I smiled sweetly, trying to make an effort. Rachel returned the smile without any sincerity before dropping it to a glare.

“I should probably go.” Uncle Ni said, sensing an awkward atmosphere.

“Yeah, alright. Thanks for getting Tee Nialler.” Daddy said.

“No problem. See ya later kiddo.” Uncle Niall smiled, hugging me before whispering in my ear: “Promise you’ll tell your dad why you were crying in the car?”

“Fine.” I mumbled, sighing.

“Good girl.” He replied, kissing my forehead. “See ya later guys.”

“As it’s Friday, do you both fancy a movie night?” Daddy asked me and Rachel. We both nodded in agreement, although I had the feeling the she didn’t really like the idea of ‘sharing’ daddy. “Right, I’ll order pizza, Rachel can you run to the shop and get popcorn and sweets?”

“Yeah, course.” She smiled sweetly, kissing his cheek before grabbing her purse and heading off.

“You wanna pick the film before getting changed?” Daddy asked me.

“Yeah, don’t mind.” I shrugged.

“What’s that?” Daddy asked me, curiously.

“What’s what?”

“Is that…blood?” He asked, looking closely at my school shirt sleeves. “Tegan we talk about this the other day. Why are you doing this to yourself? You promised that you’d stop Tegan.”

“Daddy I didn’t do anything I swear.” I pleaded with him to believe me, but from the look of his face, I doubt that he was going to.

“Then why is your wrist bleeding?” He shouted, making me jump.

“I can’t tell you.” I said quietly, shrinking back slightly.

“Tegan I’m your dad, you can tell me anything!” Daddy exclaimed, throwing his hands up dramatically.

“You wouldn’t understand.” I countered, tears rolling down my cheeks for the second time today.

“Yes I would, but it’s pretty hard to understand something when you won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“You wouldn’t understand.” I shouted back. “You’ve got no idea what it’s like being the emo freak at school who’s got a pop star dad and mum who abandoned me! You’ve got no idea!” Tears were streaming down my face as I tried to conceal my sobs, unsuccessfully.

“Tegan, I had no ied-

“No idea. I know.” I finished his sentence for him, brushing past him up to my room. I washed my face free of tears and my cuts which Ryan had burst open before changing into some jeans and a grey jumper. I curled up on my bed and scrolled through twitter on my phone. It was a mistake that I make every day, I just can’t stay away. It’s like I need to see that others see what I see in myself to. I need to know that what I believe is the truth. And I’m defiantly not let down.

“Tegan,” Daddy said softly, knocking on my door gently. “Can I talk to you?”

“That’s one of those questions that adults ask where the answer is always yes isn’t it?” I said, opening the door.

“You got me.” He smiled, chuckling slightly. “Oh Tee, why didn’t you tell me princess?” I wrapped my arms around his torso, a few stray tears rolling down my face.

“I’m sorry daddy.” I admitted. “Uncle Ni said that I had to tell you but I didn’t want to because I knew that you’d be mad at me.”

“Why would I be mad at you?” He replied, confused.

“Because I always ruin everything.”

“No you don’t.” He stroked my tears away and looked me in the eye. “You never ruin anything ever, I promise.”

Hope you liked it :)

Emily xx

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