cold winter night

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Smut warning ⚠️

No one's pov

You were sitting in you cabin late at night curled up in a very thick blanket with a cup of hot cocoa you've always hated the cold because you can't stay warm. You slowly pushed your self off the couch to put some more wood in your fire place, tossing the wood into the fire and waddling back to the couch still swaddled in you blanket you hear a knock on the door, scene you live in the middle of nowhere you don't get a lot of visitors so you drop your blanket and pull on a cardigan and walk to the front door and ask "who is it", you hear a small grown coming from outside and a gruff reply "m-my name is Bucky Barnes I was separated from my hunting party and fell off a hill...I think I got a little cut up can I come in to clean myself up?" You were a little hesitant to open the door but everything that tells you not to you ignore and open it anyway, in the doorway you see a tall man standing at 6'0 holding onto his right arm with a gloved hand. You step aside to let him walk in but he collapses and you let out a little gasp and drag him inside so you can close the door, you notice that buck is very handsome as you slowly drag him to your couch you notice he's pretty heavy as you put him on your couch at this point your freezing and so is the man on your couch, he's possibly suffering from hypothermia so you throw some more wood in the fire and push his shirt up (the best thing for hypothermia is skin on skin contact nothing creepy I promise) and pull yours off and lay on h is chest he's got nice abs and great pecks.

_time skip_

Bucky pov

I come to to find a small man on my chest it's quite cold in here and his hands that are on my chest are even colder, I pull the blanket over him and hold onto him so he doesn't fall off the cut I had in my arm is completely healed thanks to my regenerative powers from the super soldier serum I can't believe I passed out from being to cold I feel stupid the man shifts a little and opens his eyes and blushes a little

Part two coming soon

Bucky Barnes x male reader (Needs Suggestions To Continue)Where stories live. Discover now