a cold winters night part 3

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Smut ⚠️😏♥️

Bucky pov:

The small man states his name and I do the same I noticed he's eyeing my chest and I smirk a little "wanna keep touching?" Y/n let's out a eep and blushes more making me chuckle

Y/n pov
As bucky chuckles you huff and scoot back off him and he sits up. you say "so what were you doing out there anyway?" He frowns and says "I was hunting someone and they got away" you feel a little unnerved by his sentence brushing it off as a joke and roll your eyes a little.

Bucky's pov
I notice y/ns eyes roll he probably thinks I was joking so I'll just let it sit as that "so kid what's the deal with livin all on your own in the middle of the fuckin woods?"
Y/n smiles and responds "well it's the only place I can get some peace and quiet I'm not a super big fan of large groups it gives me migraines and it's actually pretty warm in the summer so it helps me keep my body temperature regulated better".

No one's pov

Bucky let's out a hum and says "what's that mean?" Y/n says " well that's not something i normally kiss and tell about if that makes sense" bucky smirks and says " so. If I kiss you you'll tell me"

Bucky's pov

Y/n blushes bright red and stutters out "w-what? Why would you kiss me we just met that's not normal behavior" I respond "you mean you've never kissed someone on a first date or kissed a one night stand?" Y/n responds blushing even more "w-well.. I've never done either of those things at all" I smirk wide

Y/ns pov
I notice a big smirk on Bucky's face after I say that and it makes me feel a little timid he leans forward getting closer to me and says in a low voice "would you like to try? ~"  and my face lights up like a Christmas tree and I try stuttering out a response "i-i uh. I. Um huh um well i-.. I don't know um sure??"

No one's pov

Bucky gruffly chuckles and responds to y/ns stuttering "well I need a yes if we're gonna do anything I wouldn't want you to regret anything ~" y/n read Bucky's mind and hears  / god his face is so cute I wanna make squirm.. fuck just thinking about it is getting me excited. )  y/ns eyes dart down and Bucky's thoughts are right he's excited as y/n responds "u-um yes" bucky pulls y/n into his lap.

____smut warning ⚠️😏♥️ (primal)

Bucky's pov

I smirk and say "well don't mind if I do" I kiss y/ns collar bone up to his neck and to his jaw and y/n shivers a little.  / I want to take him now so badly but I won't rush because I want to taste every inch of him.)

Y/ns pov
As I read Bucky's vulger thoughts I blush even more how can I hold out long enough to satisfy a beast like him

No one's pov

Bucky kisses y/n on the lips softly at first and then kisses him again with more force and passion practically devouring y/n with a kiss. Bucky growls and continues to make out with y/n he places his cold metal hand on the small of y/ns back and they shiver. Bucky grabs  y/ns hip with his right hand and grinds up  hanging his head back "mmm~" bucky groans.

Y/ns pov
Bucky's pretty heated and I can feel his erection growing under me "b-bucky~" he smirks and responds "yes mouse?"
I blush at the silly nick name "can we maybe do something more then just kissing and grinding?"

Bucky's pov
As y/n asks for more something snaps in my mind and I pin him under me and I pull my shirt off,unbuckling my belt I start pulling y/ns pants off noticing the slight hard on in his boxers I smirk and fully strip my pants of leaving me in just boxers myself and I say "so you really want to do this? I might not be as nice as your expecting me to be~"

No one's pov
Y/n responds "t-thats alright I want to do this" y/n brushes there hand agent Bucky's cheek and he rests his cheek against y/ns hand. Bucky rubs his right hand agenst y/ns hard on making him moan and bucky uses his mental arm to slide off his boxers revealing his massive cock.

To be continued because I can and I want to

Bucky Barnes x male reader (Needs Suggestions To Continue)Where stories live. Discover now