Challenge #12

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Challenge #12

Last Weeks Challenge was....: 

-A character who is blind in one eye

 -A important secret letter that never reached it's destination

-A magician (either birthday party fake or legit magic user, your choice)

-A silver locket

        This one was SUPER hard for me to choose. There were so many good ones! But alas, once again only one may win. 

So this week, the winner is.... @Reynieday13 Fantastic job! ;D I'd love to read more after it ;) 

Shoutout to @pandawithabowtie, great job! (I didn't leave a comment, I hope this makes up for it) 

Now, on to Challenge 12!: 

This one's easy! Just listen to the song above and write the first thing that comes to mind! This one's ging to be pretty fun ;) 

It also must have these lines in it: 

"How am I supposed to explain this?!" 



Have a blast! You get two weeks for this one, so make it as long as you want ;) April, 15 is the date!  

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