(In)correct Quotes

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Ryuko: comes back to the dorms to see a broken ps5 welp thats 80k down the drain

Conor: my bad, but to be fair it's a waste of money because Daniel could've just made you one

Ryuko: i bought it before living to the dorms

Conor: Well shit.


Employee: Welcome to Happy Burger where the burgers are served with a smil- *sees Daniel* no not again 

Daniel: Hmmm I'll like to order....everything you have :3

Conor standing behind Daniel: every fucking time we go out for lunch you buy everything and I don't get anything to eat

Daniel: I thought you did photosynthesis?

Conor: you know damn well I don't know what that means!

Daniel: ok let me explain in your language. *cough cough* me thought you ate sunlight for tha food

Conor: oooohhhh, well yeah but that doesn't mean I can't eat food, I want some CHICKEN NUGGIES

Daniel: Ight well let's go grocery shopping, maybe auntie can cook your nuggets

Conor: YES uh I mean... yeas that's a good idea

Daniel: You're paying tho

Conor: embarrassed smile yeah about that... I didn't bring my card...

Khusit: conveniently appears out of nowhere but I do


Squishy, 2 hours later at Mc.Donalds: My nuggets ;-;


Daniel: Oh no, I'm up against Conor, whatever shall I do- 

Conor: in his Australian accent Shut up monkey man, prepare to feel the force of a thousand tigers


Ryuko: rocking someones shit for stealing milk 

Iris who's there because she was asked to patrol the city with Ryuko: h-hey man i think you got him 

Ryuko:in batman voice you want what he's having?! 

Iris: nope 

Ryuko:still in batman voice good justice FOR MUSUTAFU

These were all taken from the server, and go annoy LoganKhusit if you want to join the server.

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