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Lucy snuffed her cigarette out on the edge of the bathtub beneath her, finished her glass of wine, and sighed. Sighed again.

"Guess I have to meet the bastard now," she muttered. She set her glass down, flicked her cigarette into the waste bucket, and shakily got to her feet.

Passing the lit up mirror of her dark wood bathroom, she paused, catching her reflection. She stared for a second; blue eyes,thick lashes, paper white skin, plump lips with bungary red lipstick, shiny, healthy, choclate-brown curls, held back by a claw clip, a few pieces of hair escaping into her face.

Only the deep, dark circles under her eyes and the too-sharp cheekbones betrayed the past two months' hardships. At least it is December; not that it really made a big difference, but at least it would be a bit better.

But what really caught her eye was her outfit: a simple black silk gown, supported by two thin spaghetti straps, split at her left thigh with soft folds cascading down it clung at the right places on her curves, and strappy black heels on her feet.

"Oh, yes," she purred. Perfect for the Christmas gala. She sighed once more, then continued down her enormous staircase, bringing her hair down and shaking her head as she went along.

She opened her front door and nearly got blinded by the bright stairs. Squinting, she started down. As her eyes got accustumed after the dark interrior of the mansion to the bright colours, she started to see more detail. She caught sight of the man standing at the bottom of the stairs. She drew nearer and nearer, taking in more of his detail.

And nearly stopped dead in her tracks.

The man in front of her looked like a model. Even more than that, if she was being honest. The black suit revealed little of his body but she could see the muscles bunching underneath; an entire head longer than her, even with her heels on, he looked exactly like the type of man she ran into everyday at work, and exactly like the type of man she tried to avoid at all costs. And his face... Dark eyes peered up at her underneath an even darker clot of hair, flopping down over his forehead, above a straight nose and sharp cheekbones.

Tall dark and handsome... probably cocky, lazy and dumb, like the most of mankind.

What the hell was Michaelson thinking, sending him here. As soon as she was back home, he is going to get an earful.

She stopped in front of him, surveying him as she always did to men: the way that would make them cower and feel uncomfortable.

But he held her sneering gaze, not batting an eye. Hmmm... interesting. She held her hand out.

"Lucy," she said simply. He took her hand, it nearly disappearing underneath his rough, calloused one, and she barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Copy and pasted, steroid obsessed bastard, she mentally sneered at him.

"Louis," he replied, his deep voice vibrating all the way to their locked hands.

"Right, I don't know what Michaelson told you, but as well as a bodygaurd, I'm also in need of a chauffer, and seeing as my last bodyaurd did both, I will expect it from you, too. Before you start, I know that was not in the job description, but I'll pay you for both. Otherwise, you can quit."

Just like that. If he wanted to whine, he can go do it somewhere else. She had too much of a headache to argue with immature boys. But he merely shook his head.

"Of course. I did not expect less. But there will be no need for you to pay me for both, it is only standard for a bodyguard to drive."

Did not expect less? What did he mean by that, that he knew she would be spoiled enough to take it for granted? And standard? Was he insulting her now? This boy had better watch it, or he won't even last a day.

"Right. Anyway, I have a meeting, so if you don't mind getting the car. Get the Audi, I think. Not the RS8; get the R8. I need something that will cut this sun out." He widened his eyes, and she smiled innerly. Of course he would be impressed by that. Which woman would possibly drive an Audi RS8 or a R8.

This woman, of course.

She tossed him her keyes; both the garage keyes, and the car keyes. She turned away before he could say anything more, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw him bow his head slightly.

Bow his head? Bow his head?

Oh, she was going to crush this boy faster than she thought.

And oh, how she was going to enjoy it.

Hey guys! Your loving author here (duh). I know that this chapter was very short, but that is because this is basically an into to the story. Hope you enjoyed! Come back next Tuesday for the update.

Love, lizziejj07

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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