Day 112-113

7 0 0

8 Erie, 2270

Precisely three months after Puvar began classes at Starfleet Academy, she was invited to take the Kobayashi Maru test in San Francisco, California. It was through the Starfleet Academy campus on Earth that all distance students were enrolled, so Puvar had to take the in-person simulated test there. It would only be her second time planetside, and she was still almost more nervous about standing on a hunk of rock orbiting a star in space than actually taking the dreaded test. She took comfort in the fact that at least the Enterprise crew would be there with her. The Kobayashi Maru was her test, but the simulation room is modelled on a spaceship bridge and needs a full bridge crew. The Enterprise bridge crew had volunteered.

Now Puvar stood on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, clenching and unclenching her fists as Sulu brought the ship into standard orbit above Earth. McCoy, having no duties to tend to in sickbay, had come up to the bridge, as well.

"Nervous?" he asked quietly.

"It will be my first visit to Earth," Puvar said.

"That's not what I meant," McCoy said. "Are you nervous about the test?"

"Based on the number of times I have been asked that, I surmise that it is an extremely difficult test," Puvar said. "I do not think I am supposed to pass. Knowing that, why should I be nervous?"

She thought she heard Spock say "Logical" into his scanner, but that could have been her imagination.

"Standard orbit achieved, sir," Sulu said.

"Good," Kirk said. He pressed a button on his armrest. "Kirk to all members of relief bridge crew. Report to the bridge. Scotty, report to the transporter room."

The turbolift doors opened with a hiss, and the relief bridge crew streamed out, ready to take their stations. Sulu, Chekov, Spock, Uhura and Kirk stood up to give them their seats. The regular bridge crew, McCoy and Puvar crammed into the turbolift.

"Nervous, Puvar?" Kirk asked.

"I am tired of people asking me that question," Puvar said. "I see no reason for nerves."

"Really," the captain said.


Puvar entered the simulation room and sat down in the captain's chair. She was unsure why Starfleet Academy had invited her to take this test, as it was usually intended for command-track cadets and she was a science major, but she accepted the challenge. Kirk remained outside with Admiral Morrow, observing. The rest of the bridge crew took their respective seats. Scott was also outside the simulation room, but that was because he was not supposed to be on the bridge in this scenario. McCoy stood behind the captain's chair, as he usually did when on the Enterprise bridge.

"Begin," Morrow said.

Puvar nodded grimly.

"Captain's log, stardate 4276.6," she said, recording the log with a device in the armrest of her chair. "Spaceship Enterprise on training mission to Gamma Hydra. Section Fourteen, coordinates 22 87 4. Approaching Romulan Neutral Zone, all systems normal and functioning."

"Leaving Section Fourteen for Section Fifteen," Sulu reported.

"Stand by," Puvar said. "Mr Chekov, plot parabolic course to avoid the Neutral Zone."

"Aye, captain," Chekov said. "New course plotted and laid in."

"Execute, Mr Sulu," Puvar ordered.

"Captain, I'm getting something on the distress channel," Uhura said.

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