Only mine-17

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They came in their hotel room and threw themselves on the bed where abhinavi were sitting
Abhi: Done?
Sid (jerked) : what?
Abhi: Talking done or not
Sid (sighs) : Yeah.. Yes (smiles)
Jan: It's 11.00pm.
Avni: Song lyricist, director and all shud have came
Abhi: I called them, they said they are on the airport.
Sid: it means they'll come.
Abhi: Yes.. Then we'll have discussion
VaishJanneet nodded
Abhi: Sid, if you don't mind can you-
Sid: Yes. They were just  thanking us from their hearts.
He explained everything.
Abhi smiled.
Bell rang. Sid opened the door and saw their members of BonBros
They greeted each other. After taking chairs, all of them made themselves comfortable and sat.
Abhi: I think we shud start our discussion now
All: Yes
Abhi: Tomorrow, our shooting will start at 7.30am sharp till noon. Three of you must be ready till 7.15am (pointing at VaishJanNeet and they nodded) Your makeup will be done within half hour so adjust ur time according to it. Then shooting at evening 6.45pm till it's done. And then there's a midnight shoot which must be done at 3.30am. (All nodded) Our first location is Bhurj Khalifa, second one is abu dabhi and third one which is in midnight is at Bhuj AI arab. Got it?
All nodded.
After further discussion all of them went in their respective hotel rooms and slept. Skips to the next day.
Abhi was the first one to wake up at 4am.
Abhi's pov
All these are sleeping. I'll have a bath till then one by one will wake up. Girls will bath first before sid as they'll take time for makeup. Ok then.
Pov ends
He went in the bathroom for bathing and Jan wake up.
Jan's pov
Ig Abhi is already up. This means he's bathing. Its 4.15am. I shud wake Avni and Vaish up.
Pov ends
Jan: Avni, Avni wake up its 4.15
Avni: Eh what? (Murmuring in sleep)
Jan: Avni (with a louder voice)
Avni: yeah! What's the time? (Opening her eyes)
Jan: 4.15am
Avni: Oo.. Chalo
Jan: where
Avni: No no I was just saying (she woke up and sat on the bed, yawning)
Jan: Abhi is bathing. I'll go after him and after me, you. Then let vaish go and at last sid will
Avni: Okk
Till then, Abhi came out.
Abhi: Woke up? Good
Jan: I am going
Abhi: Hmm. Avni, there's one more bathroom you can bath there
Avni: Yeah? Where?
Abhi: Didn't you see the whole room?
Avni nodded with No
Abhi: In that another room it's there in the corner go there
(There are three rooms)
Avni: ok
Abhi went in other room for his clothes. Jan went for bath. Avni saw vaish still sleeping
Avni: Vaish, wake up dear
Vaish: ....
Avni went near her
Avni: Vaish wake up
Vaish : What- what happened?
Avni: 4.15am
Vaish: Yeah? Ok
She got up and rubbed her eyes.
Vaish: Where's abhi?
Avni: He's getting ready. Jan woke up and went for bath. I am also going in another bathroom.
Vaish: What about sid?
Avni: Uh let him sleep for sometime.
Vaish nodded.
Avni: Um.. Vaish, you go and bath first
Vaish: Wha- why?
Avni: I'll pick up the duvets and all
Vaish: Ok
Vaish went in another bathroom. Abhishek came out. Jann to came out from bathroom.
It was 4.30. Abhi saw Avni cleaning the mess

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