Chapter 3

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Hey there readers! Here is a new chapter! This chapter is dedicated to hananala because she was the first person to ask for me to update! Thank you, for the reads, and votes. Oh yeah, don't forget to vote. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


With the party a few days away, I was still very nervous. I kept thinking in my head, of how embarrassing it would be if anyone caught me. I headed to the mall after school. I needed to pick clothes for the party. I entered my favourite store, and looked in the clothes rack.

God, all these clothes. So beautiful. Yet so inappropriate. I took one off the rack, and held it up to my body. It was a beautiful, red dress. It had white lace at the neckline, and a back belt The sleeves were  up to my elbows.I luckily had long white gloves at home, so I could wear those. It was below my knees, which was a good thing. I picked up a side, and swung it side to side. I twirled around, and suddenly stopped at the sound of my name being called.

I turned to see Hajra, and Sidra staring at me with confused looks. I blushed, and set the dress down.

" What are you doing, Iqra?" Hajra asked.

" Oh, um. I'm just looking at dresses." I replied, trying not to give anything away.

Hajra gave me one last glare, then left with Sidra. I let out a sigh of relief, and picked the dress back up. I put it against my body again, checking if it was the right size.  The neck was a little big, but I could lift it higher with a safety pin.

I waited in line to buy the dress. I set it on the counter and the cashier scanned the bar code.

" 49.99 please." The cashier said.

I was shocked. That dress cost fifty dollars?! Wow. I just had to buy it. It was perfect. I rummaged in my wallet. I got out fifty dollars, and gave it to the cashier. She opened the cash register and placed the bills inside. She put the dress in a bag, and gave it to me.

I held the bag in delight. I could not wait to wear this.  I thanked the cashier, and walked outside the store. I headed into another clothing store, where I saw these gorgeous white heels. They were twenty dollars, but I bought them.

I was now holding both bags with a huge grin on my face. I sat down on a nearby bench, and set the bags down beside me. I needed to rest for a few minutes.

My phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket, and unlocked it. I got a text from Ammi. She says I need to come home now. I sighed, and stood up. I grabbed the bags, and walked to the parking lot. I stepped in my car, and drove back home.

On the way back, I stopped at Burger King, and bought a veggie burger. I took it home, and ate it on my dining table.

I hid the dress and shoes in my drawer, under a bunch of other things. While I was hiding it, I heard a knock on my door.

" One second!" I called, as I quickly closed the drawer. The door flew open, and in came my mom.

" Salam, Ammi." I greeted her.

" Salam Iqra. Where did you go?" Ammi asked.

" Oh, I was just at the mall." I replied.

" Well, Hajra told me, she saw you with a red dress. She said you bought it." Ammi told me.

I was surprised. How did Hajra know I bought it? She must have been lurking around outside of the store. I didn't know what to tell Ammi. Should I tell her the truth? Should I lie? The choice was obvious, though it wasn't the choice I picked.

" Uh, yeah because Michelle asked me to buy a dress for her. And.... she said she would pay me back." I lied.

" Okay. Well, make sure she gives you back the money." Ammi smiled at me, and all I felt was guilt. I gave her a smile, though it was pretty fake.

She shut the door as she walked out of the room. I sat on my bed. I hung my head down in shame. The sins had begun.

I layed in bed all night, thinking how I have broke my mother's trust.

I woke the next morning, and got ready. I ate my oatmeal, and headed off to school. It was sunny and hot, considering it was April.

I met Michelle at the school yard.

" Hey, Iqra!" Michelle called me over to where she was.

" Hi Michelle." I waved.

" So the party is in two days!" Michelle said excitedly.

" Yeah, I know. I went shopping yesterday and bought clothes to wear at the party." I told her.

" Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I need to go shopping! I'll go tomorrow, are you able to come with me?"

" Oh, sorry Michelle I can't. I need to tutor some kids tomorrow." I said. I tutor my little brother,Ibrahim, and a few other kids from the neighborhood. The kids are in about grade 1 or 2.

Michelle let out a sigh, just as the bell rang. We walked inside. I got my supplies from my locker, and went to first class. I saw Imraan at his locker, and I was about to pass him.

" Hey, Imraan." I waved as I kept walking. Imraan turned his head in my direction, then stopped me in my path.

" Iqra, I want to talk to you." Imraan said. It alarmed me, about what he was going to say.

" Have you heard about that party?" Imraan asked, and I relaxed a bit.

I leaned on my side, at the lockers. Imraan did the same. " Yeah, i've heard about it." I said casually.

" You're not going, right?" Imraan asked. " I mean, I don't expect you to go, considering you are a pretty nice muslimah."

Did Imraan just call me a pretty, nice muslimah, or a pretty nice, muslimah? I hope it's the first one.

" Of course i'm not going. You shouldn't either." I lied. I couldn't tell him I was going.

" Yeah, I know. I'm not going." Imraan replied.

A guy walked by us, and said, " Aw, you two love each other!" It didn't much bother me, but I can't say the same about Imraan.

" Shut the hell up, dude. Keep walking, idiot." Imraan yelled, and pushed the guy against the locker. He squealed in pain, as his shoulders collided with the locker. He gave Imraan a glare, and a pouty face, and walked away.

" Remind me not to get on your bad side." I chuckled.

" Hehe, you never will." Imraan walked away. I swore, he winked at me.

I went off to my class, still thinking about Imraan. It's good, he's not going to the party. But one Muslim is. And that's me.


The next day, I woke up and went to school. The usual school day. Though at lunch, when me, Michelle, and Julie went to sit at a hallway, we all got a text at the same time. It was sent to everyone in the school by Isabella, saying the party was turned into a costume party.

" Aw, man. But I already bought the dress!" I sighed.

" I guess you need to come shopping with me then!" Michelle exclaimed. " You coming, Julie?"

" I already have a costume at home. It will be a surprise." Julie said, mysteriously.

" Fine I'll go. Right after tuition though, okay? The tuition ends at four, so pick me up at 4:30."

" Okie, dokie!" Michelle said, with glee.

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