Part IV

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“Second” words that suddenly came out from my mouth after seeing her again the woman in the airport before. I forgot that I have someone beside me who just heard me and looked at me confusedly, it was Sehun.

“hyung, mworago?” I just hurriedly shooked my head before he could follow my stare where the woman is standing, he left for a while and glanced back where the woman is, she’s in front of our advertising LED and our song is being played. She’s just watching it and suddenly left and walked past it when my part was about to be shown, she could have seen me and recognized me there. But she went to the merch store and was about to enter when she stopped and acted strange, she might have noticed me from her rear vision and so she hurriedly went in and someone pulled me from the scene, it was Sehun, he dragged me to an elevator and we went in headed to our floor as we are about to have a dance practice for a live guesting, we are currently inside elevator, Sehun then suddenly asked me a question that stopped my world from revolving.

“hyung, if fate would decide, and you’d see her again, try to finally ask her name or exchange numbers with her, don’t be struck like that again every time you see her” he smiled and went outside after the elevator opened as we reached the floor we’re heading, I was left there strucked again of what our maknae just said, he recognized her too and he’s seen me freeze staring at her, a shout from outside pulled me back from my senses.

“hyung, kkaja palliyo” hes smirking now and watches my reaction, hes really close to Baekhyun and knows how to tease me this much, I just grabbed him by shoulders and mess his hair after what he made me realize there.

We’re heading to a fan sign event today as schedule was moved because I have a taping to go so this event is held as early as today to prevent schedule compromises. I was seated at the back as I always wanted and next to me is Sehun whose currently scrolling through his phone. Sehun suddenly talked.

“hyung, remember what I told you before?” hes now facing me and watching my reaction.

“mwossunsurya?” looked at him shocked but he was serious.

“hyung, if you see her again today do what I told you okay, its already fate if you see her again” he went back to his seat properly. “mwolla!” I just throw my stare outside the window, as if I’d see her again.

We have arrived at the event and we are currently held back stage waiting for our turn to climb up the stage. The organizer gestured a go signal and one by one the members climbed up and say our greetings and gratitudes to our EXO-L who attended and supported us today. When we are seated waiting for the signing my eyes automatically roamed around and find my self wanting to spot someone from the crowd but not even a familiar face caught my eye there and when my stare went to my side I saw Sehun who has been watching my move and is now smiling from hes seat, just why in the world I could understand hes smile there, there was Baekhyun also asking Sehun why I was being teased by our maknae and is now smirking with Sehun, this bunch of paparazzi, jinjja!

The signing started and after n hours, it was now down to two more fans awaiting to turn to my table. I was busy with the current fan and shes smiling at me and was busy complimenting her because shes so kind and kept on complimenting my previous acting in a drama. When another fan came to have my signature my eyes suddenly turned to the last girl in the line to turn to me, I suddenly froze and again when I saw her face though being covered by her cap but she outshines the crowd there, and I unconsciously uttered “third”, a wave in front of me brought me back to my senses again, it was the fan. Just why I easily get strucked only be the sight of her. After the current fan left my table, the woman I’ve been waiting to walk towards me suddenly stopped and her eyes widened when she saw me, could it be because she recognized me now? I was also staring at her move and reaction as she walked towards me. She cut our eye contact and handed me the album shes been holding onto, my attention now went to the album, signing it and torn between either I’ll talk to her to confirm if shes recognized me, but then I uttered the opposite words.

“annyeong, you seem new, I’ve never seen you in previous events like this before” tried to look straight to her eyes but failed and went back to signing her album. She begun to talk. Even her voice is familiar who am I kidding right now.

“umm, hi, y-yes I’m just new to this, actually this is my first time and this album isn’t for me, this is for my younger sister, shes the real fan here and I went here as her proxy, shes really a fan of all of you and I can’t say no to her that’s why I came” I looked at her again blushing and seemed cute to my eyes and saw her acting so awkward towards me, she really did recognize me, just by seeing her reactions. Looking at her like this made me think that I should not waste this opportunity again and remembering what Sehun said, I went back to her signed album and begun writing there words I’ve been wanting to say ever since I met here. After writing it I hurriedly closed it and gave it back to her..
“It was nice meeting you and I hope I’d see you again” I smiled at her before she moved to the next member.


I am now in front of the last member but my mind was still occupied by the first one. The member infront of me is smiling sweetly but I just can't bring my self to smile the same towards him as I was still stunned and I don't know what I was feeling. More nervousness hit me when I felt him still giving me stares ocassionally since he's no longer entertaining any fans because I was the last, I stand there cheeks redded and now I know why my decision to be the last in line was so damn wrong cause this was supposed to happen. I just couldn't believe that I 'd see him again in a place like this but not as ordinary citizens, the one I bumped because of my clumsiness was a celebrity, a freaking celebrity. But then I was still lucky that he did not spat out the foolishness I was that day or maybe he could not do that here cause it will ruin his image, I guess. I wonder what will be Themary's reaction if I tell her that I met her favorite group before this event took place, oh it wasn't just a casual met but a damn scene of carelesness. “Goodness!” I thought I just said it in my head but the man in front of me got surprised after hearing me almost scream and I got worried for what I've done. But thank goodness he smiled and said something that just added to my already mixed emotions.

“Annyeong, noona.. neo yeppeone” a bit confused to what he said but still managed to respond a genuine smile. I noticed how he simply look to his right eyeing for someone while still smirking at me. He finally handed me the album and a staff guided me to descend from the stage. I hurriedly left the place and went back to my car before my sanity escaped from me if I stayed there longer. I started the engine and hurriedly drove home, I need to rest my mind, body and heart, what why was my heart involved now, oh I rememnered how my heart raced while walking to the first man who signed the album.
I arrived home safely and texted the clinic that I literally can't make it today because I'm suddenly not feeling well.

I am now lying on my bed when I decided to open the pages of the album. Fck, the nervousness earlier went back again this album is just giving trauma now. I calmed myself first and decided to turn pages of the album and my breathing stopped when a long note caught my sight written in the page where the photo of the man earlier was printed. My face just went full red after reading it.

~Hi, I know this might sound crazy but this is the third time I met you, and I can’t let this opportunity pass anymore, I hope you won’t find this weird but I’ll leave a number here and I’ll wait for your call. I wanna see you again.. -Kyungsoo

I felt blushing too while writing this part, just how cute would it be if things like this would happen in real life😍

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