Lancelot Knows

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Hullo! Welcome to my new little creative writing project, if im honest it has been a long time since ive watched Merlin, so I do apologize if some facts or canon things are slightly off, but thats the fun part about AU's! So I hope you enjoy :)

The sun had just begun to rise over Camelot, its rays bringing the first of the natural light to the sleeping kingdom. Of course with the rising of the sun, came the first activities of the day. For Merlin, this meant getting up, dressing, and making his way to the kitchen to collect breakfast for Arthur. The kitchen was already lively when Merlin arrived, which was usual. An abundance of good mornings were exchanged as Merlin retrieved the tray and weaved his way from the kitchen. The corridors became less crowded the closer he got to Arthurs chambers. Merlin said good morning to the two guards outside Arthurs room before pushing open the door and shutting it behind him.

"Rise and shine!" Merlin exclaimed as he set down the tray and walked to the window, throwing open the thick curtains, bathing the room in light

"Good morning to you too" Arthur chuckled in a gruff voice, suprising Merlin with how awake he was

"You are never up this early" Merlin stated, making his way back over to the table and beginning to set out breakfast

"Im full of suprises, you should know this by now" Arthur said, as he stood and stretched, walking up to his manservant and engulfing the other in his large frame, wrapping his arms around Merlins torso and burying his face in the neckerchief he loved

Merlin just let out a warm laugh, turning to face Arthur and bringing his arms up to wrap them around the blondes neck.

"You are full of a lot of things, however, I would not count surprises as one of those" Merlin teased lightly earning an amused grin from Arthur

"I was thinking" Arthur said, after kissing Merlin on the forehead and releasing from their embrace

"You? Thinking? Do I need to be concerned?" Merlin questioned in a tone of fake suprise, as he collected Arthurs clothing for the day

"As I said, im full of suprises" Arthur laughed

"What were you thinking about?" Merlin asked, as he sat himself across the table to join the other for breakfast, as was now their routine

"What if, we just went away for a bit" Arthur supplied, watching for Merlins reaction

"Went away?" Merlin raised an eyebrow

"Just readied our horses, gathered supplies, picked a direction and wandered off in it" Arthur added to his original comment

Merlin pondered the idea for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"Gaius did ask me to go collect some less common herbs for him" Merlin stated

"Which means you will need an escort" Arthur smiled

"I suppose it does" Merlin nodded, returning the smile

The pair hashed out the rest of the details for their little excursion as they finished breakfast and Merlin helped Arthur dress. It was decided that Arthur would inform Uther that he was taking Merlin to go collect herbs for Gaius, and they would be leaving the following morning. Arthur felt slightly nervous about informing his father of the plan, as the king had been more than a little on edge as of late. Merlin took notice and pulled Arthur from his thoughts.

"You will be fine, if he tries to debate, just tell him we will bring two of your knights with us" Merlin offered, causing Arthur to mull it over

"Lancelot would be the obvious choice for one, but who else?" Arthur asked

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