dazed and confused

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princess soleil moon of paradis was named after the sun and moon. a perfect combination. she was the balance of the kingdom.

however, there were mornings where she felt questioned. for example today. the queen lay on her bed, breath hot and heavy. her head felt like it was going to split into two, her skin burning up. yet, she was trembling from head to toe. she curled up, trying to find warmth and comfort.

she was already behind schedule. mikasa was bound to storm in any second to scold her about her tardiness. leila groaned just thinking about mikasa. there was something about that girl she couldn't figure out. she became such a mystery but somehow, leila still felt connected to her.

leila thought on how she wouldn't have time to eat breakfast anymore. she also had an important meeting with the kingdom of marley. leila had so much going on. just thinking about all she had to do made her migraine bigger.

she didn't have a choice. it was up to her to take care of the kingdom, all by herself. leila managed to sit up, her head heavy. she heard a sharp ringing in her left ear. "what evil-doing did i do to deserve this." she mumbled, hitting her forehead lightly a few times, hoping that would ease her pain in some miraculous way.

leila stood up, her world taking a few spins before she found half her face confronting the wooden floor. today was not her day. with the little strength she had, she managed to drag herself to her vanity, cursing on how big her room was. once there, she tapped around above, trying to find the glass jar.

her fingers wrapped around it. she eagerly opened it. inside, it revealed blue pills.

a mixture of tranquilizers and pain killers.

she grabbed two and plopped them into her mouth, not sure which was which. in all honesty, she didn't care. as long it healed her migraine. without the help of any liquid, she swallowed them. leila sat there, her arms limp. half her body had gone numb at this point. why would this happen to her? was it normal?

her body fell over, cheek pressed against the cool floor once again. she hasn't even drunk alcohol these past few days. so why now? why the sudden migraine?

leila lay, thinking of all the possibilities for why she would have this feeling of illness so frequently. perhaps it was of how much she depended on the tranquilizers. or maybe she had a life-threatening disease she hadn't acknowledged yet.

not possible her physical was up to date and nothing was wrong with her. if something were, her healer would have definitely noticed given how she was the best out there.

or maybe it could have been a nasty fall. an injury caused by the fall. leila's vision started fogging up as the tranquilizers started to kick in. she watched the door open up, revealing black slip-ons. leila looked up to see her personal handmaiden.

the dark haired's eyes immediately landed on the king-sized bed. once, not seeing her queen, she quickly searched the room until she found leila lying in the corner of the room. her eyes widened at the sight.

"leila?" she yelled, running over to the queen. mikasa quickly ran her fingers through leila's neck, checking for a pulse. "mikasa, i'm fine." leila gently grabbed mikasa's wrist and lowered it.

she heard a short breath escape from mikasa's lips. she helped leila sit up, examining her. mikasa quickly looked down, eyes landing on the jar. fury was written all over her face.

"you're kidding?" she grabbed the jar and held it up for leila to see. "of course you're not," mikasa chuckled darkly, not letting leila answer her previous question.

"do you have a death wish? how many times do i have to tell you to stop drinking these for every minor headache you have?" she started collecting all the things that had fallen around leila when she blindly tried grabbing the jar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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