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"Have fun with Taehyung."

Yeonna froze at the sound of the derision. The way it didn't sound like a surprise to him like he was rather disappointed with the thought. Her heart sunk and her stomach flipped with exasperation. Timidly, she looked back at the man who was just a couple of meters away from her, leaning with his back against the doorpost. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me. Go to him. He'll listen to you before manipulating you into his bed. I heard you like it, so be my guest and cool off with him, he'll probably still be awake."

She couldn't believe her ears.

'What are you trying to achieve, Park Jimin?'

"What are you waiting for? You need to be fast before he falls as-"

"STOP IT", she whisper shouted before storming back to Hoseok's room, harshly shoving the blonde back inside the room and slamming the door behind her.

Jimin was stunned, but couldn't help prevent a grin from tugging at his lips. It worked. However, now he had an incredibly vexed woman ready to beat him into a pulp.

"What the fuck, Jimin. You can't say that!?"

A brow curved, " Why not? Aren't I right? You've slept so often with him it'd almost make me think that you like him."

The blonde was suddenly aggressively pushed back. "I have not slept often with him and I do not -fucking- like him." The words sounded loutish between her gritted teeth, a glare so fixed with loath, Jimin would almost be terrified of her. "Hmhm, yeah well even once is already way beyond my expectation coming from someone so vainglory."

Her jaw fell slack. "Vain-... Did you just call me conceited?"

"I don't know? Did I? Because you sure as Hell got a high level of self-confidence, is what I heard from your friends."

"Excuse me-? My friends? Who- When did you-"

"I met them at a club a couple of days ago and they were nice. They told me they missed you there, but they understood that you were tired from working so much and needed time for yourself." Jimin sounded rather boastful, thinking she'd be angry at him for lying to them, but she didn't even question why they weren't wondering about her disappearance, or that they were talking to her friends, and probably family too, behind her.

"They think that I'm self-centered?" Her voice shrunk, anger slipping away beneath her feet as an instant plunge of deception and chagrin entering her chest.

Jimin's face longed, "What? No, no, no, no, no! They didn't say it in a negative way. Being confident is not a negative thing and they admire that from you."

Yeonna looked down, she didn't really know what to think anymore. Did her friends really mean it that way? They must right? They're friends! But how did Jimin kniw they were her friends in the first place, and why were they so open about her to him? What they say to him, or visa-versa, what did he say to them?

With a rising exhaustion and a begining headache coming to the front of her brain, Yeonna decided it was best for her to sit down. Her body simply didn't want to carry her weight anymore and her limbs had started to slowly feel more and more heavy.

Jimin noticed and immedietly ran over to her, completely forgetting that they were 'fighting' seconds ago.

He was never fighting with her. She was with him and he allowed her to blow the steam off at him. It was the only thing he could do for her as if now.

"Hey, Yeonna? You alright?" She shook her head up and down. "It's too much, Jimin. Please, Just-... Just go."

Jimin didn't hesitate to shake his head too and say, "I'm not leaving you alone like this. Do you want some water? Or an aspirin?"

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